Microbiology Quizz

Microbiology Quizz


  1. A missionary couple, living in West Africa bought their 4-year old son to the Emergency room as he had fever and a pinkish rash has been developing on his hands and feet at first then it spread to both arms and legs. There are no other symptoms that the child feeling very fatigued.
  2. This disease is most likely caused by what bacteria? Name the disease.
  3. How would epidemiology assist you in finding the sources of this illness?
  4. The boy had all of his vaccines so why does he have such a disease?
  5. What course of treatment would you order and why? What type of antibiotic would you use and why?
  6. What are the virulence factors for the causative agent? Explain the mode of action of these factors.
  7. 7 weeks baby girl was brought into the hospital with a rash on the palms of her hands and soles of her feet only with fever, cough and high WBC count. The baby was premature 35 weeks at a weight of 2.97kg. She was treated with Penicillin G for 14 days & testing after that showed the treatment was successful. The parents were treated too.
  8. What infection does she have and how would you identify the sources and why?
  9. Name the causative agent and what are the virulence factors for it?
  10. What type of testing would you use to make sure of your diagnosis?
  11. At what stage of the infection is she, and why? Explain the microbial and the immune response.
  12. Why penicillin like antibiotics is effective and how does that relate to the virulence factors for the pathogen?

III. A patient came into the office suffering from flu like symptoms, accompanied by Fever, Abdominal pain, Back pain, Chills, Excessive sweating, Fatigue with joints pain. The fever has been an up and down fever. The patient said he had visited a farm a week ago and had drunk milk. He did not know if the milk or the yoghurt he had caused this.

  1. What infection does he have? Name the causative agent.
  2. How did he become infected with this microbe? Explain the pathogenesis of this disease.
  3. What are the virulence factors for this pathogen? What would be the treatment based on the virulence factors and why? Why is it considered as a food borne illness yet there are no symptoms that indicating it is?
  4. Name another agent that also causes infection but in pasteurized dairy products? What are the virulence factors for this pathogen? How would you treat it based on that?
  5. The patient does not have diarrhea, however how would the type of diarrhea assist in the identification of diseases. Give at least 3 examples stating the agent its disease, type of diarrhea, virulence factors and treatment.
  6. A male student that attends a 4-year College majoring in Arts and music felt sick for a day with diarrhea he took some medication and felt fine. 8 days later he had a second round of diarrhea this time it was much worse and lasted most of the day. Again with somewhat more medication he was fine. 5 days later he had a 3rd round of diarrhea that was much worse and included vomiting. He was bed ridden the next day his symptoms continued with fever.
  7. What disease does he have? Name the causative agent.
  8. How did he become infected with this microbe? Explain the pathogenesis of this disease.
  9. What is the virulence factor and how would you treat this disease? 4. How would the immune system deal with this case and why?
  10. Why Doctors could only treat the symptoms before and not the disease and why death may result from it?
  11. A female patient has been suffering from continuous diarrhea for a week. The stool had a metal like smell. The patient is a nurse at an Assisted living home. She felt sick a week ago and her symptoms resembled that of one of her own patients. Her symptoms have been worsening to the point she is very sick and had to take time off.
  12. What disease does she have? Name the causative agent.
  13. How did she become infected with this microbe? Explain the pathogenesis of this disease.
  14. What is the virulence factor and how would you treat this disease?
  15. What would you advise the patient to do in the future to avoid such illness in particular in her line of work.

These are the pathogens that are part of the final exam. The case study answers could be one of them and Only one of them.

No other pathogens should be considered.

Campylobacter jejuni

Shigella sp

Salmonella sp,

Vibrio cholerae:




Clostiridium difficle.

Neisseria meningitidis



Plus immunity questions.

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