Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
1.This is an individual assignment.
2.Student is required to produce a Microeconomics and Macroeconomics essay that identifies the application of theory of Business and Economic.
3.Your essay should include; clarity of argument; depth of research and use of appropriate nomenclature and terminologies throughout with referencing and citations in line with the Harvard Referencing System.
4.Student should explore the Microeconomics and Macroeconomics theories and their application.
5.The submission should include (headings, sub headings etc.).
6.Hand written work should not be submitted however, diagrams and other pictures are permissible. Essay to be produced within a Microsoft Office Word document.
7.Evidence should be collected from secondary sources (Scholarly research available through the library).
8. Choose one topic within the 1500 words i.e. a Macroeconomics a critical review of Globalisation v’s protectionism.
9.Debate up to four topics within the 1500 words i.e. Microeconomics a review of the theory of International strategy (covering consumer needs competition etc.)
10.You are permitted to choose an alternative topic but must ensure that the topic chosen has been preapproved by the module tutor.
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics essay that identifies the application of theory of Business and Economic.
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