Middle Ages Western Civilization Essay Paper

Middle Ages Western Civilization
Middle Ages Western Civilization

Middle Ages Western Civilization

You have concluded the first part of your mission. In your exploration of Europe from Late Antiquity to the High Middle Ages, you have met Barbarians and monks, kings, emperors, and crusaders; you have observed the unfolding of an agricultural revolution, the birth of communes and guilds, how courtesans and peasants lived, and popes ruled and made war. You have witnessed persecution, and admired medieval art.

What features and events of the Middle Ages can help us create a blueprint for a new civilization? Think of the fundamental values of a civilization: freedom, labor, social equality, law, and people. What can we borrow from the Middle Ages–and what mistakes must we avoid — for the formation of our model society? (800-1000 words)

Criteria for evaluation:
1. Claim
Document Introduces a clear, arguable claim supported by reasons and evidence.
2. Development
Document provides sufficient data to back up claim.
3. Cohesion
Document uses words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections, create cohesion, and clarify relationships between claims and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claims and counterclaims.
4. Style & Conventions
Document presents a formal, objective tone that demonstrates standard English conventions of usage and mechanics along with discipline-specific requirements. (ex. Chicago Manual Style or MLA Citation)
5. Conclusion
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented.

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