Military Decision Making Process Exam

Military Decision Making Process Exam Apply the Military Decision making Process (MDMP) to a tactical scenario.
Submit your answers as one (not seven) word document (separate from this examination sheet) typed and double-spaced throughout, using Times New Roman 12-pitch font and one-inch margins.

Military Decision Making Process Exam
Military Decision Making Process Exam

This exam does not have an associated CGSC Form 1009W

Grading Rubric for the Military Decision Making Process Exam

If you state information from the lessons, readings, doctrinal manuals or other references as part of your answer, you must include a citation in accordance with ST 22-2. You may use parenthetical citations, endnotes or footnotes.
Overview: In Leavenworth Papers #11 “Rangers: Selected Combat Operations in World War II,” Dr. Michael J. King notes that “The rescue of 511 American and Allied prisoners from a Japanese POW compound near Cabanatuan in the Philippines by elements of the 6th Ranger Battalion, reinforced by Alamo Scouts and Filipino guerrillas, was the most complex operation that Rangers conducted during World War II. It was also one of the most successful.”
That rescue has been chronicled in the 2005 movie The Great Raid and several books including Hour of Redemption by Forrest Bryant Johnson, The Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides, and is the focus of Chapter 6 of King’s work. Although the movie and other references may help you understand the scenario more, this examination scenario is based solely on the information provided in King’s work. You should refer back to the P920, C400 and C600 online lessons and readings to review key concepts about MDMP. ADRP 1-02 dated Nov 2016, ADRP 6-0 w/ change 2 dated Mar 2014, ADRP 3-90 dated Aug 2012 and FM 6-0 w/ change 2 dated Apr 2016 are the primary doctrinal references for this examination. Additionally, you should review the Military Review article by Dr. Tom Clark and the four student aids posted with the exam.
Read Chapter 6 “Cabanatuan” of Leavenworth Papers #11 and respond to the seven requirements.

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