Minute Rounding on Roles and Responsibilities

Minute Rounding on Roles and Responsibilities

Respond to the following post using one or more of the following approaches:

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Minute Rounding on Roles and Responsibilities
Minute Rounding on Roles and Responsibilities

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Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Specific Facility Change: Q 15 Minute Rounding

My current role at my organization is a psychiatric nurse specializing in the adult population suffering from mental illness as well as chemical dependency. The majority of our patients treated on my unit suffer from depression, suicidal thoughts and urges to self-harm. In 2015, death by suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, resulting in over 44,000 deaths & approximately 1.4 million suicide attempts (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Due to the high rates of death by suicide, Banner Behavioral Health Care implemented Q 15 minute rounds to provide patientís a safer level of care while being treated inpatient at my organization. Prior to this change in policy, we were doing Q 30-minute patient rounding.

Impact of Q 15 Minute Rounding on Roles and Responsibilities

When implementing this policy change at my organization, it primarily impacted the role of the behavioral health specialist that was responsible for doing the Q 15-minute rounds on patients. This policy change was met with some resistance, it is common when implementing new policies that staff feel stressed and discontent at first until they fully adapt to the change in policy (Brown, Wey & Foland, 2018). Prior to the implementation of the Q 15-minute patient rounds, the behavioral health specialist felt like it would consume too much of their time trying to check on their assigned patients that often and continue to meet their other job requirements. It was obvious that staff were frustrated and needed to be reminded that we are all a team and that our primary focus is to maintain patient safety. Management was responsible for meeting with staff and educating the organization on the policy change to help us adapt to the change.

The rationale for Q 15 Minute Rounding & Intended Outcomes

The rationale behind the change from Q 30-minute rounding to Q 15-minute rounding was to maintain patient safety in the inpatient behavioral health setting. Statistics have shown that up to 20% of suicide attempts occurred in-between staff rounding on patients. By reducing the time from 30 minutes to 15-minute intervals has proven to reduce self-harm in the hospital setting as well as suicide attempts (Flynn et al, 2017). The intended outcome of implementing Q 15-minute patient rounding was to maintain patient safety. Banner Behavioral Health Care believes that patients are our customers and as an organization, we need to be customer-obsessed to meet the needs of our population that we serve (Banner Health, 2019)…

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