Mixed Methods of Research Design

Mixed Methods of Research Design Order Instructions: Mixed methods research provides a new way for some researchers to tackle a complicated research problem.

Mixed Methods of Research Design
Mixed Methods of Research Design

The key purpose is to investigate the problem by using the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative methods to enrich the approach. However, at the same time, it requires knowledge of both methods of data collection and analysis and a good reason for the choices made. For this week’s Key Concept Exercise, you will consider whether a mixed method would fit (or not) your research topic-problem and the anticipated barriers to data integration.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

•Read the Required Learning Resources.

•Return to your chosen research topic-problem identified in Week 1 (as subsequently amended) and consider whether a mixed methods approach would be appropriate and why

•In approximately 550 words, explain why mixed methods might fit (or not) your research project.

•In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:

o What are the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen method?

o Critically analyse the reasons why you would proceed (or not) with the adoption of mixed methods

o What are the barriers to data integration which you would expect at this stage of the research?

o What are the potential limitations and problems associated with adopting a mixed methods approach for a relatively short research project – for example, a dissertation of 9 months’ duration?

My Research topic:

Aim: To identify and explore the human resource strategies that influence employee engagement within organisations in Qatar and to develop recommendations on how these human resource strategies can be changed in order to improve employee engagement.

Research Questions:

RQ 1: Which human resource strategies influence employee engagement within organisations in Qatar?

RQ 2: How do these human resource strategies influence employee engagement within organisations in Qatar?

RQ 3: How can these human resource strategies be changed in order to improve employee engagement within organisations in Qatar?

End Product:Objective: To develop recommendations on how human resource strategies can be changed in order to improve employee engagement within organisations in Qatar.

Mixed Methods of Research Design Sample Answer

Mixed Methods of Research Design

Mixed methods in the background of the research design have been defined as the methodology that entails theoretical assumptions which instruct the direction of gathering and analyzing data and the mixture of quantitative and qualitative information in a single research or series of research, (Creswell, 2014). Using both the quantitative and qualitative methods offers a unique comprehension of the research question (To identify and explore the human resource strategies that influence employee engagement within organizations in Qatar and to develop recommendations on how these human resource policies can be changed to improve employee engagement)

Reasons for the adoption of the mixed methods

There exist various reasons as to why the mixed methods have been regarded to be of the greatest significance. Some of the reasons are; expansion, initiation, development, complementarily, and triangulation.


Bazeley and Kemp (2012) suggest that the results from one of the two methods may come up with a new set of issues which requires being further explained. It means that it initiates another study with various sources of data.


The research of the survey tends to develop one research by using results or finding from the other, (Fetters, Curry, and Creswell, 2013). That is the researcher may use qualitative findings to comprehensively conclude on the study done by use of quantitative methods and vice versa.


The researcher does complement the conclusions from a given source by using various sources of data, (Bazeley, and Kemp, 2012)


Using multiple sources of data to search for the validation of every finding of either qualitative or quantitative methodologies, (Fielding, 2012)

Barrier of the mixed methods

Various restrictions are expected when integrating the two approaches. Some of the obstacles are discussed as follows;

The publication issues

It is suggested that the problem of writing might block integration. That is the propensity of some of the secondary sources to stress on either the qualitative or quantitative study might slow down integration since they have the tendency to require either of the qualitative or quantitative proof to be highlighted, (Venkatesh, Brown, and Bala, 2013)

Strength and weakness

Mixed methods of research designs have both weaknesses and strengths, (Creswell, 2013). Both will be discussed in general as follows


  1. It offers a broader perspective. That is, when using a single methodology, the researcher can only be able to establish the cause and effect of a particular problem. However, when integrating the two together, it becomes possible to look into the study broadly.
  2. More data brings the expansion of the study in a manner that a single methodology cannot. By using the mixed methods, the researcher is assured of overall findings.


  1. Researchers are different and when it comes to choosing the methodologies; they become bias. That is they tend to give more weight on a given method over the other method, (Sarantakos, 2012)

2.There exist the problem of exploration and analysis.

Potential limitation

The potential barrier of a mixed method of research design is ethical challenges. Since the study only takes at least nine months and the researchers are required to use both approaches, he or she may not pay key attention to the ethical issues that relate to the study, (Ritchie, Lewis, Nicholls, and Ormston, 2013).  For example, the researcher can omit the issue of confidentiality. He or she may disclose a source from the qualitative study without his/her knowledge or at times may not consider that issue of requesting permission before commencing on an interview or taking pictures. It becomes an ethical problem to the researcher.

Mixed Methods of Research Design Bibliography

Bazeley, P. and Kemp, L., 2012. Mosaics, triangles, and DNA metaphors for integrated analysis in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(1), pp.55-72.

Creswell, J.W., 2013. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

Creswell, J.W., 2014. A concise introduction to mixed methods research. Sage Publications.

Fetters, M.D., Curry, L.A. and Creswell, J.W., 2013. Achieving integration in mixed methods designs—principles and practices. Health services research, 48(6pt2), pp.2134-2156.

Fielding, N.G., 2012. Triangulation and mixed methods designs data integration with new research technologies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(2), pp.124-136.

Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C.M. and Ormston, R. eds., 2013. Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. Sage.

Sarantakos, S., 2012. Social research. Palgrave Macmillan.

Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A. and Bala, H., 2013. Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems. MIS quarterly, 37(1), pp.21-54.


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