Model of Setting Goals or Mission and Vision Statement

Model of Setting Goals or Mission and Vision Statement Respond to the questions posted and write a minimum of 250 words for this question with a minimum of one source for the response.

Model of Setting Goals or Mission and Vision Statement
Model of Setting Goals or Mission and Vision Statement
  1. Based on your reading on week two how do the Harley-Davidson, Inc. goals fit the model of setting goals after the organization has established the Mission and Vision statement?
  2. Student Response-Please responds to classmate’s postings with a minimum of 250 words per post. You are required to use a reference source for each response.

Model of Setting Goals or Mission and Vision Statement Robert,

According to the text, aligning individual, unit or division, and organizational priorities is possible, “In fact, a recent study including 338 organizations in 42 countries found that performance management is the third most important factor affecting the success of a strategic plan” (Aguinis, 2013, p. 63).

While all organizations need to achieve strategic plans, larger organizations must do so for successful achievement of enterprise goals. Organizations that operate in rapidly changing environments need performance management systems to remain viable and competitive (Aguinis, 2013). Noted in the

Academy of Management Journal, “Further, recent meta-analyses have corroborated the validity of goal-setting theory’s major premise, which is that specific, challenging goals lead to higher performance than vague, easy goals” (Chesney & Locke, 1991,

Model of Setting Goals or Mission and Vision Statement

  1. 400). The purpose of performance management is to help employees to achieve goals which in turn allow the organization to achieve its goals.

The text notes the benefits achieved by Key Bank of Utah after implementing a performance management plan that was aligned with the organization’s strategic plan. Key Bank enjoyed several benefits after implementing a new performance management system.

Those benefits included employees focused on goals, more decision making power for employees, better understanding between management levels, and increased communication within the organization (Aguinis, 2013). Strategic human resource management uses performance management to help the organization achieve its goals.

Organizations achieve competitive advantage by managing employees properly (Batool, Rahman, & Akhtar, 2016). It is through effective performance management, organizations like Key Bank are able to receive so many benefits to the betterment of the organization.

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