Multi Choice Questions Assignments

Multi Choice Questions
Multi Choice Questions

Multi Choice Questions

Order Instructions

I have 50 multiple choice  questions – that have a answer of 9 answers you must correctly answer them

EMC&W – ethics multicultural competence and wellness
A = attending behaviour
O = observation
OQ = open questions
CQ = closed question
E = encourage
P = paraphrasing
S = summarising
R OR F = reflection or feeling


Multi Choice Questions

  1. S (Summarizing)
  2. R or F (Reflection or feeling)
  3. P (Paraphrasing)
  4. R or F (Reflection or feeling)
  5. P (Paraphrasing)
  6. A (Attending behavior)
  7. EMC & W (Ethics multicultural competence and wellness)
  8. E (Encourage)
  9. P (Paraphrasing)
  10. P (Paraphrasing)
  11. P (Paraphrasing)
  12. EMC & W (Ethics multicultural competence and wellness)
  13. P (Paraphrasing)
  14. S (Summarizing)
  15. E (Encourage)
  16. S (Summarizing)


  1. A (Attending behavior)
  2. P (Paraphrasing)
  3. S (Summarizing)
  4. E (Encourage)
  5. S (Summarizing)


  1. O (Observation)
  2. P (Paraphrasing)
  3. S (Summarizing)
  4. P (Paraphrasing)
  5. O (Observation)
  6. O (Observation)


  1. P (Paraphrasing)
  2. P (Paraphrasing)
  3. S (Summarizing)
  4. S (Summarizing)
  5. S (Summarizing)


  1. R or F (Reflection or feeling)
  2. EMC & W (Ethics multicultural competence and wellness)
  3. P (Paraphrasing)
  4. P (Paraphrasing)
  5. O (Observation)
  6. P (Paraphrasing)


  1. O (Observation)
  2. CQ (Closed Question)
  3. CQ (Closed Question)
  4. OQ (Open Question)
  5. E (Encourage)


  1. R or F (Reflection or feeling)
  2. EMC & W (Ethics multicultural competence and wellness)

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