Museum gallery Assignment Paper Available

Museum gallery
                    Museum gallery

Museum gallery

you will create a timeline mural or museum gallery guide of 10 objects. You will select one for each unit/theme we’ve studied this year (9) plus one object of your choosing. The 10th object that is your own choice may represent a larger theme of history, an important idea or invention, a historical superstar, an iconic musical or art piece—whatever you think should be included in representing what you learned this year that couldn’t fit anywhere else.

Below are the main topics we studied this year.

  • Gilded Age/Progressive Era (immigration, industrialization, urbanization) (1880-1920)
  • American Imperialism/WWI (1898-1919)
    1920s (1920-1929)
  • The Great Depression (1929-1941)
  • WWII (1939-1945)
  • Early Cold War (1945-1962)
  • Civil Rights/Social Movements (1950s-1980s)
  • Vietnam War Era/70s (1960s-1970s)
  • 1980s/End of Cold War/Rise of Conservatism (1980s-90s)

Other—pick an artifact of your choice from any era

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