Natural-Accidental Disasters Assignment

Natural-Accidental Disasters
Natural-Accidental Disasters

Natural-Accidental Disasters

Order Instructions:

Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Natural/Accidental Disasters

1)National Response Framework. Review areas specifically pertinent to local, state, and federal government leaders and emergency management practitioners (pp. 11-19).

2)You will also need to become familiar with the “memorandum of understanding” approach to cooperative engagements.

a)Provide two examples of a memorandum of understanding. Explain why you chose these examples.
b)Explain why it is advantageous to have a reciprocal emergency response agreement with the town or city that adjoins your town or city. Give examples.


Local, State, and Federal Partnerships: Natural-Accidental Disasters

  1. Provide two examples of a memorandum of understanding. Explain why you chose these examples

The two examples of memorandum of understanding that have been observed in this document are found in the section that discusses the emergency responses in tribal areas as well as the responses that are offered by federal departments.

Under Tribes: “The NRF’s Tribal Coordination Support Annex outlines processes and mechanisms that tribal governments may use to request direct Federal assistance during an incident regardless of whether or not the incident involves a Stafford Act declaration. ”

The reason why this is considered to be a memorandum is the fact that it details a mutual agreement between the various native Indian tribes and the Federal government. The memorandum is expressly detailed under the heading of the “NRF tribal Coordination Support Annex.” The reason for this memorandum is to ensure that the different tribal regions get the assistance they need in the event of an emergency. The reason for this is that many of the tribal regions are remote and lack resources necessary to enable them adequately respond to different natural disasters and man-made emergencies. The federal government on the other hand does have these resources as well as the capacity to adequately handle the emergencies. As such it became necessary for this memorandum that obligates the federal government to provide emergency assistance.

Under Federal Departments: “All Federal departments and agencies must cooperate with one another, and with local, state, tribal, territorial, and insular area governments, community members, and the private sector to the maximum extent possible. Although Federal disaster assistance is often considered synonymous with Presidential declarations under the Stafford Act, Federal assistance can actually be provided to state and local jurisdictions, as well as to other Federal departments and agencies, through a number of different mechanisms and authorities.”

The above extract also qualifies to be a memorandum of understanding. In this scenario unlike the above one where one of the parties bears the obligation, all the parties have a shared responsibility to provide the other department with the necessary assistance that is required. The reason for this memorandum is the fact that different departments are specialized in different areas and different emergency situations call for different tangible and intangible resources.

  1. Explain why it is advantageous to have a reciprocal emergency response agreement with the town or city that adjoins your town or city. Give examples

A reciprocal emergency response arrangement with a city or town adjoining the one I live in is advantageous in that it guarantees immediate and quicker assistance in the event that the emergency situation in the jurisdiction of local authorities in my region. This could be a road accident that has occurred near a border region, it is ideally the responsibility of our local authorities to respond but it will be more effective if the situation is handled by the response team that is closest even if it is from the neighboring town. At times a coordinated effort is crucial for the effective handling of large scale operations such as preparedness for a natural calamity such as a flood or forest fire which has no respect for regional boundaries. The agreement will facilitate more effective responses with operations like evacuation and rescue missions being carried out with more resources available for use (National Response Framework, n.d.).


National Response Framework. Review areas specifically pertinent to local, state, and federal government leaders and emergency management practitioners. Retrieved from  on August 11, 2014

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