Natural communication Essay Assignment

Natural communication
Natural communication

Natural communication

Record interview of you and another person from the waste up and ask questions

This assignment is meant to be a learning experience and to provide you with insight into and awareness of how you naturally communicate with people. Over the duration of this course, you will have opportunities to redo portions of this session based on the skills you have learned in class.

The interviewee will pretend to be a character from a television show, movie, or book. The interviewee will discuss her/his issues as if she/he is the character. This session should be 10-15 minutes in length and captured in a video recording that includes you and the interviewee from the waist up. The 10-15 minutes of recording time does not include the recording of you reviewing the Guidelines with the interviewee.

Before the session:

Explain the purpose of the activity.

Record yourself reading the Guidelines for the activity to the interviewee and the interviewee answering the three questions in the Guidelines.

During the session:

Ask the interviewee to explain the issues that are creating stress in her/his life.

Ask the interviewee to share with you how she/he has attempted to cope with the issue(s).

Ask any questions or make any comments that you think will help the client feel comfortable with talking to you.

Overall, you have the flexibility to approach the dialogue with your interviewee in a way that makes sense to you.


I am in the Human Services program at National Louis University and I am taking the HSM 201 Interviewing Principles and Practices course this term. I am learning how to talk with clients in a way that makes them feel comfortable with me.

Your session with me should not be based on your real life concerns or problems. In this session, I want you to pretend that you are a character from a television show, movie, or book. Use what you know about that character to tell me about something that is creating stress in the character’s life and how that stress impacts the character’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is okay for you to add to the character’s story/experiences, so don’t feel limited to the material you have learned about the character through the television show, movie, or book. Remember, you are an actor in this session and you are playing the role of a character. Do not use yourself, the people you know, or clients for this session.

This video will be posted on YouTube (unlisted) so my instructor and classmates can watch the session and give me feedback on it.

Please respond to the following questions:

  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • Do you understand the expectations for this session?
  • Tell me the television show, movie, or book that you plan to use and the name of the character.

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