Sales of goods law Essay Assignment Paper

Sales of goods law
                  Sales of goods law

Sales of goods law

Order Instructions:

Indicate the nature of hotls claim, an express an opinion as to the outcome of the case.


The issue in question is related to the sale of goods law since the ownership has been passed from the owner to the buyer. The confusion at the library display made Holt to believe that the book he is buying is in good shape. According to Tepper (2011), the sale of goods law requires that the seller should pass goods of good quality to the buyer so that the buyer can get quality for his money. In this case, Holt believed that he was purchasing a book in good quality in accordance to the price quotation. Since he has been given the book he never intended to buy, Holt has an actionable claim against MacPherson. In his claim, Holt can argue that the property passed to him by the seller was not corresponding with the description he gave for the property in accordance with the sale of good law. In addition, the sale of goods law demands that the property passed from the seller to the buyer should be fit for purpose and this was not in this case of Holt and MacPherson (Tepper, 2011). MacPherson is liable under the sale of goods law which requires that the quality of goods passed to the buyer should correspond to the sample that was put in the library display. In this regard, Holt ought to have been given a reasonable opportunity to compare what he wanted to buy and what he has been given as the actual product to assess whether the goods have any defects. This accord the buyer an opportunity not to be duped into buying goods that does not reflect the amount of money paid on them. Therefore, MacPherson is liable for passing goods which are not of the right quantity to the buyer.


Tepper, P. (2011). The Law of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code. Cengage Learning; 2 edition

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