Negative effects of rap music on Adolescents

Negative effects of rap music on Adolescents Argumentative Essay:

Negative effects of rap music on Adolescents
Negative effects of rap music on Adolescents

Technical Requirements:

Format: MLA (Times New Roman, double-spaced throughout, MLA citation)

Page Requirement: 6 pages, minimum

MLA works cited page (no included in page count)

Source Requirement: minimum of 5 credible sources (3 must be peer-reviewed)

What to write about:

Your final essay will be a thesis-driven research essay that draws upon your secondary research in order to make an argument. Your thesis will state your claim (what you want your readers to accept), and the body of your essay will discuss your evidence, will include acknowledgments and responses, and will need to include any necessary warrants. Remember that the goal is not to list information you found; you want to explore the relationship between ideas that helps support your thesis.

Negative effects of rap music on Adolescents Tips

Avoid second person (you, your, etc.); Limit first-person usage; Avoid using emotional language and emphasis; Donít make up evidence; Avoid logical fallacies; Use transitions; Integrate borrowed material; Make sure to distinguish voice

Sample Outline based on the Classical Argument Structure (guideline for you)

  1. Introduction
  2. Hook
  3. Important Info Readers Should Know
  4. Thesis (claim + reasonsóìbecauseî)
  5. Body paragraphs
  6. Supporting Points
  7. Reason 1
  8. Reason 2

iii.        Reason 3

  1. Etc.
  2. Acknowledgments and Responses
  3. Alternative View 1 and Response
  4. Alternative View 2 and Response

iii.        Etc.

III.       Conclusion

  1. Wrap up main points


Remember, too, that quotes need to be developed.  You must not choose random quotations and drop them into your essay erratically.  The quotes you choose to showcase should help to shape your opinions and give them greater credibility.  Quotes are not to be used to ìwrite the essayî for you. As a rule of thumb, your essay should only contain 20% quoted material.

When you introduce a source for the first time, try to follow this format:  In ì[Title of Article],î [Author(s) Name] states, ì[your quote]î (MLA citation).

ï           Example: In ìConrad and Hitchcock: The Secret Agent Inspires Sabotage,î Michael Anderegg states, ìthe more the film seems to aim at faithful reproduction, the more its basic unfaithfulness becomes an issue in the viewerís mindî (225). This explains why Ö

Negative effects of rap music on Adolescents  Reflection

One-page reflective letter will serve as page one of your final essay (and is not included in your page count). This letter must be a full page and explain your research and writing process for your essay: Your letter should discuss:

  1. Your process for researching, writing, and revising the essay. Explain, literally, where you looked for sources, why you chose the sources you did, and how you developed your own point of view on the topic.
  2. What you learned about your topic during the research and writing process.
  3. What you learned about the research and writing process itself over the course of your work on this project.

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