Neighborhood Assessment
Assess your neighborhood as an exemplar of a geographic community.
The assessment should pay particular attention to how oppression, power, and privilege are manifested in inequalities and institutional biases that impede optimal human development and jeopardize well-being.
Examine adaptation of the neighborhood over time, the interface of the neighborhood with the adjoining areas, the demographics of current residents and the capacity of the neighborhood to meet the changing needs of the population by describing the following:
o Demographics
o How has this community evolved over time?
o Assessment of resources (educational facilities, housing, health and welfare systems) with a particular attention to access to these resources
o How are issues of diversity and power illustrated in the neighborhood?
o What are some of the formal and informal rules of this community (social control)?
o What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of this community? What could the community do to maximize its strengths and minimize its weaknesses?
o What do you see as the future of this community?
- The assessment should also focus on assets and strengths of the neighborhood and community, and on capacity building.
- Papers must be typed, double spaced, use 1-inch margin, 12-point font and be no longer than 5 pages. Use APA style citation and references. A minimum of 3 scholarly social work references are required.
- Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling and coherent and logically arranged thoughts.
- Papers should present insight, comprehension and integration of social work values.
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