Neoliberalism is causing a crisis of civilization is still true.
first explain what neoliberalism is. Then, using evidence gathered through proper academic research, you argue whether or not Dr. Ahmed’s theory that neoliberalism is causing a crisis of civilization is still true. 4 academic peer-reviewed sources must come from the UOIT library website. I can provide my credentials if needed.
Question: In the documentary The Crisis of Civilization, Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed makes the argument that global crises like ecological disaster, financial meltdown, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism, and food shortages are converging symptoms of a single, failed neoliberal global system. This system, he argues, was designed by powerful people who believed in the ideology of neoliberalism and therefore implemented this ideology as a global policy.
In your research paper you will first explain what neoliberalism is. Then, using evidence gathered through proper academic research, you argue whether or not Dr. Ahmed’s theory that neoliberalism is causing a crisis of civilization is still true. [Hint: your research should try to check if the elements of Dr. Ahmed’s argument are still valid, less valid, or more valid.]
Students who BACK-UP their arguments with properly cited research and use detailed examples from the film, course readings, and scholarly journal articles will receive the best marks.
Value: The paper is worth 35% of the total course mark
Length: Papers will be between 6 (minimum) to 8 (maximum) pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, normal margins. This does not include bibliography or title pages.
Due Date: Papers are due March 4 before 11:59 p.m. and are to be submitted electronically via Blackboard.
Submission: Students will submit all papers electronically via Blackboard
-Go to the Content section, choose Paper, then submit as an attached file.
-Papers will be automatically submitted to Turnitin. No extra steps are necessary.
Feedback: Feedback will appear directly on the paper file itself. To see this, students must go to the paper submission page in the content section and click “view”. Students can also view their final marks in the My Grades section.
Students must copy and paste the rubric supplied at the end of these instructions. This must appear at the end of your paper after the bibliography. Students that fail to do this will not suffer a penalty but will receive limited comments
Late Assignments: 2 point out of the total of 35 will be deducted for each day that an assignment is late. No exceptions other than for SERIOUS and DOCUMENTED reasons. (Doctors notes, notes from funeral home directors etc. MUST be provided for an exemption to be considered). This means that is may be simpler for you to just decide to do a later topic than provide an excuse for missing a due date.
All information must be properly cited in APA format. Cite ALL MATERIAL WHETHER IT IS IN YOUR OWN WORDS OR NOT. See http://www.plagiarism.org/plagiarism-101/overview/ for instructions on avoiding plagiarism.
The following materials must be used as sources:
1) The documentary The Crisis of Civilization.
-available online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMgOTQ7D_lk
2) AT LEAST four peer-reviewed, academic journal article must be used as a source (from UOIT library website). This is NOT to be a newspaper, or magazine article. To find this, go to http://www.uoit.ca/sites/library/, click on the “Articles” tab, search, download the article/articles that best suit your paper.
3) SOME carefully chosen news media or government sources may be used in addition, but these must be credible. These must also be scrutinized for factualness. It would be a good idea to use such articles to speculate on how current environmental, economic, or terrorism concerns resonate with the film’s argument.
4) You may use course readings as additional sources.
Mandatory Guidelines:
1) Style: May be written in either first or third person depending on student’s preference, but this must be consistent throughout the paper.
2) Title Page: Must contain a title, professor’s name, date, and course code.
3) Page Numbering: All pages must be numbered EXCEPT the title page – the page with your intro paragraph will be page #1. (in Word, start page numbering at 0 and suppress page numbers on the title page to do this). Numbers may appear anywhere on pages as students desires.
4) Intro Paragraph: Must have an introductory paragraph which contains the following elements, in ANY ORDER that you feel comfortable with:
a. The sell: A sentence or two that convinces the reader that the paper is addressing and important topic (i.e. make the reader care about your paper). Example: “poverty rates, as baker (2011) has shown, are rising dramatically in Canada, it is important, then, to explore the causes of poverty in this country.”
b. Topic Statement: A statement about WHAT your paper will explore: Example: “This paper will explore the causes of poverty in Canada”.
c. Theses Statement: A strong stance that you will be arguing with regards to the topic – often contains the word “THAT.” Example: “I will ague THAT poverty in Canada is caused by a lack of opportunity available to those with lower incomes” (Yes, you will be giving away the ending of your paper here).
d. An Outline: A very brief (one or two sentence) explanation of the form that your argument will take in the paper. Example: “In the first part of the paper, current thinking about [the topic] will be explained; this will be followed by a critical reflection on the issue”.
e. IMPORTANT: Be concise. A good introductory paragraph should be between ½ and ¾ of a double-spaced page and must NEVER exceed one page in length.
5) Body Paragraphs: A paper this size should contain 4-7 body paragraphs that are approximately ½ to ¾ of a page in length. If you are writing a paragraph that exceeds one page, you should break it down into two separate paragraphs.
6) Topic Sentences: Each body paragraph should have a clear topic sentence (usually the first sentence) that relates directly to every other sentence in the paragraph. It is like either a thesis or topic statement for just that paragraph. It may not have to be cited if it is just your indication of the content of the paragraph to follow.
APA In-Text Citation: Cite properly, according to APA guidelines ALL INFORMATION YOU WERE NOT BORN KNOWING. You must cite information whether is in your own words, or is a direct quotation. Examples of APA in-text Citation are here: https://www.uoit.ca/assets/Section~specific/Current~students/Academic~resources/Library/PDF/APA.pdf
7) Everything must be cited except:
a. Your topic sentence: Since this is just a statement of what you want to explore. You also may not need to cite topic sentences of each paragraph if they are just your indication of the content of the paragraph to follow (you will have to use your common sense to decide when a topic sentence needs a citation and when it doesn’t)..
b. Your thesis sentence: Since this is by definition YOUR FINDING after critically considering all information.
c. Your Conclusion: The conclusion paragraph should be a summary of your entire paper and especially your findings. NO NEW INFORMATION should appear. Therefore there should be no need to cite anything. It is your own very concise summation of the issue.
8) Conclusion: All papers should have a short concluding/summary paragraph in which you (in any order you like):
a. Re-state your thesis
b. Summarize the main arguments
c. This should be little more than a summary of information and findings that you have already presented. Somebody should be able to read it without reading the rest of the paper, and know the main points you made.
d. Keep it very short – including only the most important information.
9) List of References: All papers must contain a proper APA-format list of References. Examples of a proper APA reference list are Here: http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch09_s1-0002.html
10) RUBRIC – a rubric is provided at he end of these instructions. This must be copied and pasted to the end of the paper. Students that fail to do this will not get a complete set of comments on their paper.
11) Overall Outline: Given the information above, the paper should roughly follow this outline (the number of paragraphs for the body sections are up to the discretion of the student):
a. Title page
b. Introductory paragraph
c. 7-9 body paragraphs (estimate) in which you elaborate your argument
d. Concluding/summary paragraph
e. Proper APA Reference Page.
1) Grading Rubric: A rubric outlining the criteria we will use for grading this paper has been made available on Blackboard, so you know exactly what we are looking for when we are marking. This must be copied and pasted to the end of your paper.
2) Sample APA Citation and reference: https://www.uoit.ca/assets/Section~specific/Current~students/Academic~resources/Library/PDF/APA.pdf
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