New Programme Development and Planning

New Programme Development and Planning Assignment Task: New Programme Development -PDP
Your new role is within the university as a Programme Developer. You have been asked to prepare a module guide for the Personal Development and Planning module for new students starting next semester.

New Programme Development and Planning
New Programme Development and Planning

1. Individually create a module guide.
2. Show evidence of your research into Personal Development and Planning in the Higher Education sector, stating the benefits of students will get from
studying the module. 750 words
Feel free to add images, color, and any other design aspects if you wish.
3. In a separate document, provide an explanation of how and why you have designed the module guide in the way you have.
4. State how your own studies on PDP have helped you.
5. Identify what changes you would like to bring into PDP in the future. (For example teaching methods, in-class activities etc.)

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