Nine-pillars to good corporate governance
Critically review and analyze the existing governance framework from the perspective of “Nine-pillars to good corporate governance”, and identify capability gaps for improvement. Provide an appropriate recommendation for filling the capability gaps and improving the governance mechanism. The client has requested that the framework emphasizes openness and integrity in the relationships with the stakeholders and minimization of risks. Your report should be based on your own independent research and critical analysis, refer to appropriate academic literature, including journal articles.
Critical Analysis
Understanding of key concepts and theories
Critical and independent analysis of the key arguments and concepts in the reference material you cite
Understanding of the relationship between the important aspects of the topic
Well-developed argument demonstrating a sound understanding of the topic
Research Depth
Adequate number of references used
The relevance of references cited
Correct and adequate citation using the Harvard system of referencing
Use of appropriate academic style
Report Format:
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction
3. Company profile
4. Vision mission
5. brand product
6. projects if any
7. company structure and managements
8. nine pillars in relation with company.
9. Conclusion
10. Reference.
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