Nurse Professional Standards Board

Nurse Professional Standards Board

Bachelors of Science in Nursing – All You Need to Know
Nurse Professional Standards Board

Nurse Professional Standards Board


Addressing the Four Dimensions of Nursing Practice

Congratulations on your selection for an RN position with the Washington, DC VA Medical Center.

The salary determination process for Registered Nurses is determined by a panel of your peers (Nurse Professional Standards Board or NPSB) against the Four Dimension of Nursing Practice. 

The responsibility of the NPSB is to ensure that you meet established qualifications and subsequently establish a pay level recommendation.  As such, your response to the Four Dimensions has a direct impact on the establishment of your pay. 

The following guidance is provided to optimize your success with this process.  Your thoughtful responses to each of the criteria within the Four Dimensions are critical to the outcome of your salary determination. 

The NPSB has an opportunity to qualify you at one of three grades:  Nurse I, Nurse II, or Nurse III.  Within Nurse I, there are also three levels—Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.  When considering your responses, be advised of the following qualification standards for each grade:

Nurse I:  Associate Degree/Diploma required.  In each of the Four Dimensions, the Board is looking for INDIVIDUAL growth and development in clinical practice to increasing levels of self direction.

Nurse II:  Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing required.  (Associate in Nursing/Diploma with Bachelor’s in health-related field may be considered).  In each of the Four Dimensions, the Board will expect UNIT level contributions and leadership.

Nurse III:  Master’s Degree in Nursing required. (BSN with Master’s in health-related field may be considered).  In each of the Four Dimensions, SUSTAINED LEADERSHIP resulting in program contributions and outcomes BEYOND THE UNIT/PRACTICE SETTING.  That is, involvement at the ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL is expected.

NOTE:  Both educational requirements and meeting the Four Dimension standards for that particular grade are required to be recommended for that grade. 

The Four Dimensions of Nursing Practice are as follows: 

•          Nursing Practice (Practice, Ethics, Resource Utilization);

•          Professional Role-Leadership (Education/Career Development, Performance);

•          Collaboration (Collegiality, Collaboration) and

•          Scientific Inquiry (Quality of Care, Research).  NOTE:

 Leadership is not one of the dimensions, but leadership principles are expected to be woven throughout the established categories. 

Each of the criteria should be addressed by you citing examples (at least one) to support the qualifications standards. 

One example may suffice to support all criteria under a single Dimension, but all criteria must be met…NOT just the Dimension.  As a template for your response, the following guidance is offered:

            What was done? – ACTION

            For Whom? – POPULATION

            What difference did it make? – OUTCOME

            When? – SUSTAINABILITY

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