Nursing Assignment Deconstruction

Nursing Assignment Deconstruction
Nursing Assignment Deconstruction

Nursing Assignment Deconstruction

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In this essay we are required to examine a question. the question contain factors that impact on understanding indigenous health and a culturally safe approach. we are to deconstruct the wording of the question to determine it’s hidden meaning/assumptions being made, the stereotypes being employed in the wording of the question, how the question exhibits a lack of understanding. the question chosen to deconstruct is; Why do Aboriginal Australians get given everything?


NURS 1006 Assignment 1: Deconstruction

Deconstructing or digging deeper into a question allows an individual to come up with various assumptions, answers, and questions that enhance clear understanding on the issues at hand. In nursing, nurses must get to deconstruct various issues or questions to gain a deeper understanding for them to reach an amicable solution. The author, therefore, deconstructs the question, “Why do Aboriginal Australians get to be given everything?” in quest to identify the hidden meaning/assumptions and stereotypes employed in the wording and how the question exhibits a lack of understanding.

A question may have face value and deeper meaning or assumptions. This is exhibited through deconstruction. In the question above, the hidden meaning is the reasons that contribute to this situation (Piper, 2013). It is important to carryout research to find exact reasons that make this Aboriginal to be given everything. Evidence through research may provide a range of reasons that contribute to this scenario.  A number of studies carried out on this community cite various reasons including race, their seclusion and for being disadvantaged for many years that has contributed to their low living standards among many others (Robinson, 2010).  Therefore, the question will trigger such reactions requiring substantiation through analysis of various research studies. This question can as well be constructed through personal experiences and observation. It becomes essential to meet some of these people from Aboriginal community and share with them their experiences and whether indeed are given everything.  It is still deconstruction when the consumer of the information seeks these alternatives just to get a clear or the exact reason why they are given everything.

The questions as well may be an assumption based on some allegations not well supported. The fact that these category of people are in need of assistance due to their behaviors and level of education, it is not a guarantee that they are given everything.   One needs to ask a question whether, the government has the capability to give them everything or not or whether the government gives them certain percentage of income to assist them to carry on with their lives. (Kobasa, 2014).  The phrase, ‘everything’ in real sense means that the government provides them literally everything and they are not able to work and take care of themselves. This would mean that in absence of government to give them the assistance, they would not be able to carry on with their daily lives. It is an assumption that can only be proved through closer interrogation of the claim or question. The question is based on assumptions and prejudices that an individual who posed the question holds against the Aboriginal community. It may be true that majority of the people from Aboriginal community get some level of support hence these generalization or assumptions. Therefore, the hidden assumptions in the question are that a good number of people from Aboriginal community receive assistance from the government (Binnie, 2010). The word ‘everything’, is therefore, used to imply that larger percentage comes from the government.

From the question, it is clear that there are stereotypes in the wording that as well require closer look and analysis in deconstructing of the sentence. The question has several words arrangement in a specific pattern to help insinuate certain meaning that the composer wants the audience to get. The word ‘why ‘begins the sentence and it aims at creating or raising attention or questions on the others issues raised in the question. Beginning the sentence therefore, questions the reason why these Aboriginal Australians are given everything.  The question seeks answers why not other community but Aboriginal Australians have these privileges. The question as well incorporates the word Aboriginal Australians indicating that it leans or focus on a specific community (Herriman, 2013).   Aboriginals Australians have a history of seclusion and denial of various rights for quiet sometimes. These people are only known to hold onto their cultural values/traditional beliefs that make them distinct from the rest of the members of Australian community (Frost, 2014).

The reason for inclusion of the name of the community is to enhance clear understanding of the target groups. The question nevertheless could have been framed in a different way to avoid these stereotypes.  Once the mention of the word Aboriginal Australia, it triggers certain perceptions and assumption in the mind of the listener influencing on their approach to the question (Hughes, More & Williams, 2004). Another important word is ‘given everything’. In this sense, one may ask what everything entails. Is it money, clothing, houses, transportation, household items, food or literary everything they need?  One may also ask whether every specific person proved to be an Aboriginal Australia is entitled to what is referred to “everything” or what criteria is normally used to reach a consensus on how is an Aboriginal Australian. Is it the Australian constitution or is it the customs of the people.

It is also important to explore and analyze a question to determine whether it exhibits a lack of understanding. Asking oneself the appropriate attributes or things that makes or enhances understanding is also essential. One of the thing is to evaluate ones cognitive and scope of education and experience in the area.  For instance, in this case, it is important for an individual to have an idea of what Aboriginals are. Not having an understanding that these are people from a community in Australia may definitely result to misinterpretation of the question. The question, exhibits lack of understanding by failing to be specific on what categories of Aboriginal Australians (Fisher, 2013). The question is general and this makes it abit complex to understand the scope and the setting.  Going through the questions, does it mean that any Aboriginal Australians that lives in any part of the world is included to those that receive everything from the government? Such are lapses that contribute to lack of understanding of what the question is all about (Isaacs, 2011). The question could have been clear and enhanced understanding. For instance, if it was specific instating the aboriginal Australians that stay at specific locations in America, their age, social status and such like aspects.

Furthermore, there is lack of understanding when the questions use the phrase ‘gets everything’. What one may ask is what everything entails? Does it means they are also given the air they breathe, and literary everything beginning from houses, food education, clothing or what does this everything stands for. Therefore, the question could be specific in identifying the various assistance that the said community is given by the government.

In conclusion, through this exercise of deconstructing the wording of this question, it has emerged that various omissions and word choices hinder clear understanding of the question. It means that any individual must be specific and think about the words and the sentence construction to construct a sentence that will enhance clear understanding. Misunderstandings caused by poor word choice and sentence structure add to false assumptions and misrepresented facts.


Binnie, K. (2010). Rocks, leaves on Indigenous learning agenda   

Fisher, D. (2013). Becoming the State in Northern Australia: Urbanisation, Intra- Indigenous Relatedness, and the State Effect. Oceania, 83(3):238-258.

Frost, M. (2014). The three rules of being Aboriginal: anxiety and violence in Central Australia.    Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2014(1): 90-98.

Herriman, N. (2013). Western Australia’s Aboriginal heritage regime: Critiques of culture,ethnography, procedure and political economy.  Australian Aboriginal Studies, 1: 85-100.

Hughes, P., More, A., & Williams, M. (2004). Aboriginal Ways of Learning. Adelaide.

Isaacs, D. (2011). Baseline Framing in Sentencing, The Yale Law Journal , 121:426

Kobasa, P. (2014). Early Peoples Aboriginal Peoples of Australia. World Book, Inc. eBook.

Piper, M. (2013).  Autonomy and the Normativity Question: Framing Considerations.  International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 21(2):204-224.

Robinson, N.  (2010). Indigenous urban dwellers better off but not happier The Australian.           Retrieved from:

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