Nursing risk Project Paper Assignment

Nursing risk
Nursing risk

Nursing risk

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Nursing risk
Project description
1. What are the different types of risk that must be managed in healthcare settings? Refer to the “Failure to Obtain Consent” and “Hospital Nightmare” simulations in your answer.
2. Review the “Customer Service” simulation. Is there any correlation to a perception of or actual poor customer service in a healthcare organization and risk management?

Required text: Youngberg, B.J. (2011).Principles of Risk Management and Patient Safety. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

“You must use a citation and reference in your initial post and in at least one of your response posts, using proper APA 6th edition format.”


  1. What are the different types of risk that must be managed in healthcare settings? Refer to the “Failure to Obtain Consent” and “Hospital Nightmare” PDF’s in your answer.

Different types of risk require proper management in healthcare setting. These risks include informed consent, customer care services, and hospital nightmare issues that may include incidences of negligence on the parts of the nurses. One of the risks that nurses face relates to hospital nightmare as evidenced in this movie. Mrs. Smith complains of receiving a deadly infection because of negligence on the part of the health facility (Health Care Law, 2012). Even though she recovered, she complains that she contracted autoimmune disease after the incidence as a result of the complication caused by the infection. This, therefore, means that nurses must execute their mandate with keenness and professionalisms to avoid such incidence. The incidence is unfortunate but requires further interrogation to ascertain if the nurse caused the negligence.

Informed consent is as well important in nurse care and is a legal doctrine that endeavors to protect the right of patients. Patients have a right to give consent and to expect that the physicians’ honor their wishes (Health Care Law, 2012). The case of Mr. Davis filing a suit against Bright Road in the movies qualified as a breach of informed consent. During a cardiac catheterization, the act of the cardiologist extending the procedure without the consent of Mr. Davis is a breach that attracts charges, and should be avoided.

  1. Review the “Customer Service” PDF. Is there any correlation to a perception of or actual poor customer service in a healthcare organization and risk management?

Customer care is essential in improving the quality of service provided. There is a correlation to perception of or actual poor customer services in a healthcare organization (Youngberg, 2011). Concerns of Bright Road CEO about the poor customer care are important (Health Care Law, 2012). Through Total Quality Management, customer care can be improved in streamlining administration, reducing length of stays of patients, and boosting clinical outcome and patients’ satisfaction. Without better customer services, the level of confidence of patients diminishes.


Health Care Law.  (2012). Landscape. Ones & Bartlett Learning.

Youngberg, B. J. (2011). Principles of Risk Management and Patient Safety. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

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