Observation and Models Experiment

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Observation and Models Experiment
Observation and Models Experiment

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Observation and Models Experiment Sample Paper

Observation and modeling


This paper describes the observations and models which were part of the assignment. In total, there are 3 models: Model 1: Women are more eager for love; Model 2: Men are the support of the families, so they spend more time on studying and working than searching for love; and Model 3: Women are fond of children, so they want to have children after marriage. Three experiments were carried out. The findings of the experiments effectively support the three models.

Observation and models


Model 1: Women are more eager for love. Generally speaking, women appear to be more eager for love as depicted in many films, novels and stories. They can suddenly fall in love with someone after the first meet.

Model 2: Men are expected to support their families, so they spend more time on studying and working than searching for love. Men regard career or job as the most crucial thing after graduation. They need to make money and support their family, so they have to work hard before getting married.

Model 3: Women really like children, so they want to have their children after marriage. They want to become a mother. Usually, women are playing the role of taking care of children in most families since they are compassionate.


Experiment 1: After graduation, women prefer to get married to men who are older.

Dependent variable: Older men. For a marriage to take place, the man must be older than the woman.

Independent variable: Marriage. Marriage has to take place after graduation.


  1. Women are sensitive to the age of men since they are considered to age more than men. A woman wants to look younger than the man she marries hence will look for a man that is older to get married to.
  2. Since women want to get married after graduation more than their male counterparts, they have to seek older men, or they will wait for long before getting married.

Implications 3: Men have less to worry about in the sense of marriage since giving birth and taking care of children is mostly left to women. Men are just supposed to provide financially and are therefore not eager to get married before they get stable income.

  1. Men have more responsibility to take care of and mostly prefer younger women. Since they have to marry women that have already graduated, they need first to concentrate on their job as they wait for the younger women to graduate.

The experiment supports model two.

Experiment 2: Marriage does not require a person to be financially stable.

Dependent variable: Marriage

Independent variable: Financial stability

To make the variables work, men and women must be eager for marriage after graduation.


  1. Women will fall in love with a man even if he does not have money since they just want to be loved hence they can get married without being financially stable.
  2. There are a lot of responsibilities that arise after marriage and men are the ones looked upon to meet these responsibilities. Though there is love, a man has to consider having finances right before marriage.
  3. Children are part of the family and to bring out children requires finances. It is, therefore, proper that financial stability is established first before getting married.

The experiment supports model one.

Experiment 3: Men and Women get married to get children

Dependent variable: Children

Independent variable: Marriage


  1. Love and financial stability do not have to exist for children to be born. A man and a woman can just get married and have children.
  2. There are expenses that must be incurred for the pregnancy and the whole process of giving birth.

The experiment supports model three.

Observation and Models Experiment Findings and Results

Model 1: Women are more eager for love.

The results that would be needed to support this model are that women generally look for love in men – a woman just wants to be loved by her man – and secondly, a woman can easily fall in love with any man even if they have only met once. The other needed result is that a woman would fall in love with a man even if that man is not really financially stable primarily because the woman only wants to be loved by the man and she is not interested in his money.

In general, women seek love in a relationship. It is worth mentioning that love is essentially the confirmation which a woman requires to have in order to have some guarantee that the man is going to stick around and assist her to bring up the children (Allen, 2015). A woman wants to be shown love by her man for instance by the man saying that he loves her. Women need and want to hear the phrase I love you from her husband often. However, words alone are not adequate and women want men to also find other ways of expressing their love, for instance by sending them flowers and telling them how pretty they look (Solomon, 2012). Moreover, women express their love in terms of surrender; that is trust. A wife empowers her husband by believing in her husband and accepting his leadership. A woman exchanges power for love. She wants her husband’s love to posses her (Makow, 2015).

The results that would contract or fail to support this model are that women do not seek, need or want love, and that a woman can get into marriage where there is no love; that is, where she and her husband do not love each other. The data supported the model.

Model 2: Men are expected to support their families financially, so they spend more time on studying and working than searching for love.

The results that would be needed to support this model are that in men, the most important thing after graduating from college or university is to get a good job and become financially stable and even purchase a house before considering having a wife and children. The other result is that men want to achieve financial stability first before getting married. Another important result is that men understand that marriage has a lot of responsibilities and costs such as costs associated with paying hospital bills when the wife gives birth, bringing up children, and providing the general needs of the family such as food, shelter and clothing. Therefore, a man needs to be financially stable in order to take care of these financial needs as they arise during marriage and that is why men tend to wait for financial stability before getting married.

On the whole, men tend to wait for a longer period of time than women before getting married. On average, men wait until they reach 27 years old before marrying whereas women wait on average until they reach 25 years (Dilworth, 2014). Men who get married later tend to be not just more emotionally mature, but also more economically stable. Men consider marriage as the last step in a long process of growing up and wish to wait until they get older before having children when they are financially stable, and perhaps have a house before marrying. Dye (2014) stated that there a number of reasons why men delay getting married: nowadays, men can easily get sex without getting married; men wish to avoid divorce along with its fiscal risks. Other reasons are that men face few social pressures to get married; want to possess a house prior to getting a wife; by cohabiting instead of marrying, they are able to enjoy the benefits of a wife; wait for the perfect soul mate; and would like to until they are older before having children (Pease & Pease, 2011).

The results that would contradict or fail to support this Model 2 are that men want to get married as soon as they leave college and have children, and that men do not consider being financially stable essential prior to getting married. The data obtained actually supported this model.

Model 3: Women are fond of children, so they want to have children after marriage.

The results that would need to be found to support the model are that neither financial stability nor love is necessary for a couple to have a child. Even if a man and woman do not love each other and even if they are not financially stable, they can still get married and have a child or children. Most women want to get married in order to have children: the point of marriage is basically to have a child or children. In essence, marriage establishes an environment properly suited to having children (Grewal & Urschel, 2014). In addition, the society expects a married woman to have a child or children. Even so, some couples choose to get married for companionship and love, or just to spend life together.

The results that would contradict or fail to support this model are that for a man and a woman to get married and have children, first they must be financially stable. The other result is that before having a child, the couple must be in love with each other. The obtained data from the experiment supported this model.

Observation and Models Experiment References

Allen, T. (2015). What’s the point of being married if you don’t want children? Boston, MA: SAGE publishers

Dilworth, K. (2014). First comes financial stability, then comes marriage, say young adults. Retrieved from http://blogs.creditcards.com/2014/09/young-delay-marriage-until-financially-stable.php

Dye, L. (2014). Why are more men waiting to marry? ABC News. Retrieved from http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=97920&page=1

Grewal, R. P., & Urschel, J. D. (2014). Why Women Want Children: A Study During Phases of Parenthood. Journal Of Social Psychology, 134(4), 453-455.

Makow, H. (2011). Possession is part of marriage. Retrieved from http://www.henrymakow.com/theres_a_place_for_possession.html

March, J. G., & Lave, C. A. (1993). An introduction to models in the social sciences. Crescent City, CA: University Press of America.

Pease, B., & Pease, A. (2011). Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love : Unravelling the Simple Truth. New York, NY: Harmony.

Solomon, E. (2012). Why men want sex and women want love. New York City, NY: Prentice Hall.

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