Obtaining Services within Washington DC; people with disabilities

Obtaining Services within Washington DC; people with disabilities
Obtaining Services within Washington DC; people with disabilities

Obtaining Services within Washington DC; people with disabilities

Order Instructions:

For this paper, the chosen community to research and write on is Washington DC . The writer must research base on this City and must thoroughly address all the 4 points raise in the questions. The writer must also read carefully the instructions before responding and must follow proper APA rules to complete this paper.

Obtaining Services within Washington DC.
The purpose of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (DD Act) as described in the current law, is to “assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion in all facets of community life…”
Investigate resources within your chosen community (Washington DC.) that assist individuals with developmental disabilities and their families with assuming self-management and support for daily living.


• What is the availability and eligibility of these resources and services?

• How do these services assist with developing their competencies and talents and help them gain control over life circumstances?

• Choose a disability and discuss services offered in your area that helps to improve the life circumstances of these individuals

• Explain the importance of these services to the family as a whole and how these services aid with care for these individuals
The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. (2000). United States Government, Public Law 106–402106th Congress

Assignment Requirements

The finished Assignment should be a 5-page exploratory essay, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.

Before finalizing your work, you should:

• be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
• consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary;
• utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and
• review APA formatting and citation information found online, or elsewhere in the course.

Your Assignment should:

• follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
• be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
• display superior

content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

• use APA 6th edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources including:
• properly formatted header
• 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font
• use of in-text citations
• title page and reference page
• use of headings (if applicable)



Developmental disabilities refer to broad ranges of condition that causes cognitive and physical impairments, often diagnosed during childhood. Disabilities include   autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, vision impairment, and hearing loss. These disabilities are long-term/ lifelong disabilities. These disorders affect their daily activities such as mobility, learning ability, independence, self-care, and communication. However, the disability can be severe, mild, and moderate and support needs. The Developmental disabilities prevalence rate is high in America. Research estimates that about 5.4 million Americans suffer from developmental disability. Approximately, 17% of children below 18 years suffer from development disability. Intervention includes education for the child and the family to understand the disease, and ways to manage it effectively. Individualized support can help improve the functioning of the body, self-determination and strengthen the community (Durham, Brolan, & Mukandi, 2014).

Availability and eligibility of the resources

Support of developmental disabilities in Washington aims at assisting people with developmental disabilities to empower them so that they can remain independent, integrated, and productive. The services are funded by the State to ensure that the services provided are comprehensive and coordinated to enhance the lives of people with disabilities to the maximum potential, and to protect their legal as well as human rights. In Washington DC, the supportive services occur in varying form including a) community support, which helps in independent living. This helps  these people with  assistance on how to manage their self-care, b) residential support which  involves  independent  housing support in individuals home, c) support for  education  and  for employment services, d) support for communication,  including sign interpreters and  e)community access which includes day care. These support services are adequate for about 79,000 people, most of whom receive services in the community and not in an institution. The services available in Washington by age group are as follows (Ward, Amanda, & Freedman, 2010):

Source: https://www.sao.wa.gov/state/Documents/PA_DevDisabilities_Access_ar1009938.pdf

From birth to 3 years:  These children are diagnosed with  developmental disabilities  and are eligible for  Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program (ITEIP) services, which provides the family with such kids with  Individualized  Family Services Plan (IFSP) aimed at educating parents  regarding the developmental stages of their children  to equip them with the relevant  assistance  necessary for particular age. Eligibility criteria include  that children must have measurable delayed developmental growth, which is performed by  Family  resource coordinators of IFSP. From age 3 to 21: the services available for this age group aims at improving the education. The services provided includes an individualized Education Plan (IEP), which are integrated in their education system as early as during the Preschool. These include services that will improve their communication skills such as speech therapy, psychological services, physical therapy, and audiology (Kelley, 2013).

After 21 years: trained individuals are integrated in the community to build their self-esteem and self-confidence. These include services such as the DDD employment program that offers support through training, and seeking employment to those who can manage. Alternative services include special assistance to the elderly. Other services eligible for people with developmental disabilities includes medical cover and support through Medicaid such as Medicaid personal Care provided mainly to people leaving with disability where the individuals live with their families. Other services  include assistance is the  State’s Individual and Family Services Program, which offers lifetime support on medical costs, therapy, transportation, behavior management and recreational opportunities (Durham, Brolan, & Mukandi, 2014).

How they help increase their competencies’

People with developmental disabilities often have trouble during communication. This is because the disability could affect their hearing, sight, and speech which often-effective communication. The services  help communication  by helping  patients with auxiliary aid, Braille materials simplified, and computer assisted real time text (CART) which would increase their communication skill (Kelley, 2013).

These services help people with developmental disability with various life enhancing skills. These includes skills that enable them complete household task, attend to their personal hygiene and financial transactions. These activities range from shaving, making calls, to loading dishwasher and making calls. The programs assess their age, mental capacity, preferences, and physical capabilities. Taking into account these factors into account, the instructors are able to design a training skill that benefits individual ability. Other skills taught by these services include dressing, meal, positioning in bed, self-administration of medicine and use if assistive devices. These activities are vital daily activities (Ward, Amanda, & Freedman, 2010).

These services also train caregivers and families with people diagnosed with DD. This enables the family to identify the most effective communication and strategic approaches that will improve their relationship. The services also improve the ability of individuals to access quality care such as dentists, psychiatrists, and ob-gyns. The services enable the individual access specific care in specialized institutions. They do so by providing interpreter services, and sign language protocols to enable them communicate through expressions. They also facilitate medical covers, thus improving patient’s quality of life (Durham, Brolan, & Mukandi, 2014).

Identify a disability within a community

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a type of developmental disorder, which is, defined following diagnostic criteria such a social communication, interaction, repetitive behavior and other activities. The disease symptoms are appearing during early developmental stages. The prevalence of autism has increased by 20% globally. Some of the resources available include Autism society of Washington, (www.autismsocietyofwa.org) which is a non-profit organization that offers support and information on autism related issues. The organization manages forums where people discuss their experience, learn from one another, and gets support. Early support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) (www.del.wa.gov/esit) is a State program helps get the families  manage their children  who suffer from developmental disability. Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders (CASD) (http://childrensnational.org/departments/center-for-autism-spectrum-disorderscasd) is a state program that offers assessment and treatment services for children suffering from developmental disability. The program has a multidisciplinary clinical staff that assesses children and recommends medication. The program also fund research on Autism Spectrum Disorders, especially those involved in behavioral, genetic and neuro-cognitive factors associated with autism. The centre also trains families with children suffering from Autism Spectrum to help deal with these children even in their homes (Kelley, 2013).

Importance of these services

 These services are vital form birth throughout the individual’s lifespan. At school age, services help the child get involved in the society, developing their autonomy and initiative. Research identifies this young age, people with developmental disabilities are important because it enables the child learns how to interact in the community  in the absence of their families, which could help children cease from being introverts to “opening up” as they  face a myriad experiences (Durham, Brolan, & Mukandi, 2014).

The children’s communication and interpersonal competencies are developed through such services. This is because the services helps the children identify their roles in the community to manage their transition into adulthood. The services empower the children with the role of sex and   community perspective of specific gender behavior. The main requirements for adolescents diagnosed with DD includes guidance, monitoring and frequent reminders to enable them to get around with ease and more independently. This is managed effectively through the services provides for DD, which could be a challenging task for the family (McLaughlin, Barr, McIlfatrick, & McConkey, 2014).

The development   concern of adults diagnosed with DD includes issue such as intimacy and social isolation. It is a critical time to establish adulthood functions such as employment and home. These life skills and competencies are built on the previous accomplishment during the earlier developmental stages. It also influences the person sense of personal value, understanding that they are different from other people (Kelley, 2013).


For each of the services in Washington, their goal is to provide support to help the caregivers manage the crisis in the community. The services provided by these services, include psychological support, clinical support, and collaboration between the relevant stakeholders. However, there are several challenges facing these services, including language barrier, biasness towards   the sensitivity of patients need and lack of adequate resources in the facilities and shortages of healthcare providers resulting to poor quality delivery of services. In fact, most of the adult suffering from DD tends to seek care from their pediatrician, leaving the question on how patients would make the transition to adult care effectively.


Durham, J., Brolan, C., & Mukandi, B. (2014). The Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities: A Foundation for Ethical Disability and Health Research in Developing Countries. Am J Public Health, 104(11), 2037-2043. doi:10.2105/ajph.2014.302006

Kelley,T. (2013). Developmental Disabilities in Washington: increasing access and equality. State Auditor’s office Performance audit. Retrieved from https://www.sao.wa.gov/state/Documents/PA_DevDisabilities_Access_ar1009938.pdf

McLaughlin, D., Barr, O., McIlfatrick, S., & McConkey, R. (2014). Developing a best practice model for partnership practice between specialist palliative care and intellectual disability services: A mixed methods study. Palliative Medicine, 28(10), 1213-1221. doi:10.1177/0269216314550373

Ward, RL., Amanda, D., & Freedman, RI. (2010). Uncovering Health Care Inequalities among Adults with intellectual  and Developmental disabilities. Health & Social Work 35(4); 280-288

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