Offender Rehabilitation History Assignment

Offender Rehabilitation History
Offender Rehabilitation History

Offender Rehabilitation History

Assignment Details

When examining the historical context of treatment in a correctional setting, it must be seen through both domestic and international viewpoints. Under the domestic view, the United States primarily uses a custodial model, which focuses on using incapacitation as the method of retribution and deterrence.

In contrast, the international view, specifically in Europe, uses the rehabilitation model. This model focuses on rehabilitating the person to become a productive member of society.

In this assignment, compare and contrast the models of corrections from the perspectives of the United States and the United Kingdom. In this paper, explain which model you think provides the best treatment.

Using the library, course materials, textbook, and Web resources, research the custodial model of incarceration of the United States and the rehabilitation model of the United Kingdom.

Address the following in a Word document of 2–3 pages:

  • How are these 2 models similar?
  • How are these 2 models different?
  • Which model do you feel is more effective at reducing the rate of recidivism?
  • Do you believe that both countries should adopt the same model of incarceration?

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