Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers How online retailing satisfy the needs of hedonic and utilitarian customers?

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Focus on how online retailing satisfy the needs of hedonic and utilitarian customers?
Topic: How online retailing satisfy the needs of hedonic and utilitarian customers? Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers
What is retail?
Retail Models
E-strategic choices
– Bricks
– Bricks and some clicks (no online transactions)
– True bricks and clicks
– Clicks only
Online Retailing platforms
– Communication
– eShop
– Trading communities
Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers Experiences
Experiences play a critical role in shopping and consumption contexts. People shop to acquire products, obtain product information or for the enjoyment of the activity itself (Tauber, 1972). Beyond the utilitarian value drawn from the acquisition of products or product information, shopping also provides hedonic value (Babin et al., 1994).
Talk about hedonic & utilitarian consumption
How online retailing satisfy the needs of hedonic and utilitarian customers? Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers
Demangeot, Catherine and Amanda Broderick (2006) ‘Exploring the experiential intensity of online shopping environments’, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 9(4): 325-351. Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers
Online retailing also have some other adavantages
– Enhance image
– Generate sales
– Reach geographically-dispersed customers
– Provide information to customers
– Promote new products
– Provide customer service (e.g. E-mail)
– Be more “personal” with consumers
– Obtain customer feedback People shop to acquire products, obtain product information or for the enjoyment of the activity itself (Tauber, 1972). Beyond the utilitarian value drawn from the acquisition of products or product information, shopping also provides hedonic value (Babin et al., 1994).
Talk about hedonic & utilitarian consumption
How online retailing satisfy the needs of hedonic and utilitarian customers? Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers People shop to acquire products, obtain product information or for the enjoyment of the activity itself (Tauber, 1972). Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers Beyond the utilitarian value drawn from the acquisition of products or product information, shopping also provides hedonic value (Babin et al., 1994). Online Retailing Satisfy Hedonic and Utilitarian Customers
Talk about hedonic & utilitarian consumption
How online retailing satisfy the needs of hedonic and utilitarian customers?