Open minded inquiry Assignment

Open minded inquiry
Open minded inquiry

Open minded inquiry

Order Instructions:

Using the web pages associated with the Foundation for Critical Thinking website,choose one of the four topics below and respond to the aspects of the prompt in at least 400 words.

The essay must be 400 words in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style. If you would like to refer to APA samples and tutorials, review the APA Checklist within the Ashford Writing Center ( located in the Learning Resources tab in the left navigation bar. The only resources you will need to complete this assignment are the web pages of the critical thinking website that relate to your chosen topic. However, if you would like to include other sources, that is encouraged. Just be sure that you utilize the critical thinking web pages as your primary sources of information.

Choose one:
Inference and Assumption
Explain the difference between inference and assumption. Then, present four inferences you have made and connect those inferences to their underlying assumptions. Looking back, which of these were proper inferences, and which were improper inferences? Why?

Purpose, Point of View, and Decisions
Outline a problem that you currently face or have faced recently. Define the assumptions that you have about this issue. Explain your point of view, and outline the information that you have analyzed in relation to this problem. Finally, explain the implications that have arisen or will arise when you respond to this problem.

Valuable Intellectual Traits
Of the valuable intellectual traits listed in the online readings from this week, identify three of them that you believe you need to strengthen. Explain the traits, and then describe how you will attempt to implement actions in your life that will maximize those intellectual virtues.

Open-Minded Inquiry
Using the online reading “Open-minded Inquiry,” identify what you consider to be the three most important attributes that one must have as he or she approaches problems. Explain why you think these attributes are the three most important, and describe examples from your own life, or from the lives of those you know, in which people failed to display those attributes.


Open minded inquiry

In life, people face different problems emanating from various angles. In line with critical thinking and open minded inquiry, there are the attributes that one must have in approaching problems so that effective solutions can be arrived at. Among the attributes that people should have in approaching problems, three are very important. The three important attributes are open mindedness, humility and tolerance.

When approaching a certain problem it is crucial that a person employs the attribute of open humility. This entails the deep realizations that one is always limited as a human being and is always subject to making errors. When one employs the attribute of humility in approaching a problem, they avoid the arrogance that is associated with people who do not embrace humility in approaching problems.

Huo & Zhou (2015) assert that; despite one’s knowledge and expertise in the problem at hand, there is always room for making errors. This realization should make the person approaching the problem to employ humility in the spirit of open minded inquiry. Humility does not entail one to think that they are incapable, rather it only makes one accept the fact that they are limited and they are capable of making mistakes. An example in life where people fail to display this important attribute of open minded inquiry is the teachers who fail to acknowledge that they are capable of making mistakes before the learners. Such teachers do not take correction by the learners on a positive note.

Another important attribute in the approach of a problem in line with the open minded inquiry is the open mindedness. This entails the willingness to take up the relevant ideas in to consideration. Open mindedness in approaching problems is crucial because; it ensures taking on board the relevant ideas from other people who may have serious concerns with the same issue. Shaw (2014) notes that; this important attributes prevents the locking out of ideas that could be useful in solving the problem. Without the attribute of open mindedness it would be easy for a person to dispute the ideas of others following some misgivings on the validity of the ideas. In the spirit of open mindedness in approaching a problem, it is crucial that all seemingly relevant ideas are taken in to consideration so as to come up with a solution. An example of situation where there is failure to demonstrate this attribute is where the ideas of children may fail to be considered because they deem invalid in the face of the ideas of the grownups.

In the approach of a problem, it is important to articulate tolerance as an attribute of open minded inquiry. Tolerance is different from the usual usage of the word where it means grudgingly putting up with something that may not even be worthy putting up with. In the spirit of open mindedness in approaching a problem, tolerance entails permitting that which we may not otherwise have permitted under usual circumstances. With zero tolerance, it is not possible for open mindedness to prevail in the approach of a problem. An example where tolerance has failed to be displayed is when at times I do not tolerate the ideas of parents when it comes to matters of education because of their lower levels of education.


Huo, Z., & Zhou, Z. (2015). Approaches to multiple attribute decision making with hesitant fuzzy uncertain linguistic information. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 28(3), 991-998. doi:10.3233/IFS-141244

Shaw, R. D. (2014). How Critical Is Critical Thinking?. Music Educators Journal, 101(2), 65-70. https://www.doi:10.1177/0027432114544376

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