Operations management Essay paper

Operations management
               Operations management

Operations management

The final project is Individual Work.

Pick any national or international company with a product and/or service and do a report on it.

Regardless of the project you use, you must answer the following SAMPLE questions (service vs. manufacturing)

For example, Dubai airport (service): what are the steps

Give background on product/service/company

Research the planning, coordination, communication, issues, etc. that occurred prior, during, and after this project;

Provide your feedback with respect to the effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and success/failure of this project;

Identify any operations methods/concepts applied prior, during, and after the completion of this project;

What have you learned while completing this assignment?

Identify any methods and concepts you have learned that you can apply locally and personally.

Or, for example, the production of the Corvette Z06 (production); Chevrolet manufactures and sells a sports car called Corvette Z06. You are to complete the following:

Give background on product/service/company;

Research the planning, coordination, processes, communication, issues, etc. that take place with respect to the operations and production for this vehicle (YouTube is a good start);

Provide your feedback with respect to the effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and success or failure of the operation;

Provide your feedback on the operations methods/concepts applied in this production;

What have you learned while completing this assignment?

Identify any methods and concepts you have learned that you can apply locally and personally.

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