Organization Management Term Paper

Organization Management
Organization Management

Organization Management

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There have been observed efforts made by organizations to ensure value based stakeholder approach. This has matched some of the points in the checklist. However, there has been less inclination to two of the points in the checklist. The question of the percentage of employee activities spent in building productive stakeholder relationships would yield a negative answer. This is based on the realization that the employees’ activities in most of organizations do not match the efforts of building productive stakeholder relationships. This emanates from various issues. It could be attributed to the inclination of organizations towards making more and more profits such that the employees are not allowed any time such that they can orient their activities towards creating productive stakeholder relationship.  This could also be attributed to failure of the employees or the leadership of the organization to realize the importance of productive stakeholder relationships.

There has also been less practice of the corporate culture valuing and supporting participation and open and shared decision making and collaboration across structures and functions. In its stead, in many organizations, there have been hindrances to open and shared decision making and participation. Weiss (2014) asserts that; this aspect is crucial in determining value based stakeholder, hence success of an organization. This could be attributed to the adoption and usage of autocratic leadership whereby the opinions of subordinates are not put into consideration in decision making. This makes the subordinates not to feel free to air their views. Where there have been attempts to orient the undertakings of an organization towards valuing and supporting participation and open and shared decision making and collaboration across structures and functions, there have been failure to articulate this to the culture. The implication of this is that; such aspect has been taken as not being very useful and therefore it does not bear the expected fruits.


Weiss, J. W. (2014). Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

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