Panama Scandal Final Draft Paper

Panama scandal Final Draft Paper The Details

Rough Draft Assignment

Assignment: You must write a draft of your Scandal Paper. For all intents and purposes, the draft should be a final draft.

Panama Scandal Final Draft Paper
Panama Scandal Final Draft Paper

This means that:

  • It should be a complete paper with a beginning, middle and end.
  • It should be at least eight pages long (double-spaced in 12-point font).
  • It should include quotes or paraphrases from 8 different sources.
  • It should follow all MLA formatting guidelines. See the sample student paper in the text.
  • It should have a Works Cited page. Do not include the summary annotations, just the bibliographic citations. Works

Cited pages do not count toward the eight-page minimum for the paper. You must have eight pages of content and then the Works Cited page.

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