PARP Inhibitors for Cancer Treatment – Article

PARP Inhibitors for Cancer TreatmentArticle Overview article of the drug class PARP inhibitors
How do they work?

PARP Inhibitors for Cancer Treatment - Article
PARP inhibitors

What are the drugs that are now available (or close to approval)?
About 700 words.
Please list references after article so I can see you have used references that are not Wikipedia.
Project Type: One-time project
You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
1. Are you familiar with drug actions in the human body?
2. Do you have experience writing about biochemistry and/or medicine? What are the drugs that are now available (or close to approval)?
About 700 words.
Please list references after article so I can see you have used references that are not Wikipedia.
Project Type: One-time project

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