Peri-operative Clinical Area Nursing

Peri-operative Clinical Area Nursing
Peri-operative Clinical Area Nursing

Peri-operative Clinical Area Nursing

Order Instructions:

Assessment Task 3
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Thank you so much for helping for this peri-operative clinical area specialty assignment. Topic is mentioned below.
• APA Referencing
• At least 15 genuine references from 2010 to 2016 study based,
• 90 % references has to be Peer Review Journal article AND books
• Australian and New Zealand based study articles are preferable.
• Please have a look Rubric guideline for given topic, I need good grades in this assignment so please do me a favour and give me a good paper.


Find three articles from magazines, journals, blogs, online postings (most numerous), where the person writes about the meaning an illness has had for them. Preferably this will be from your area of specialty practice however this may prove difficult for some specialties in this case pick a specialty area that interests you where there is information available. Choose one article each from the following perspectives or points of view.
• From the perspective of the person being cared for
• From the perspective of the person closest to them (partner, parent, child, etc)
• From the perspective of a health professional caring for such a person
Choose one of your readings and write a reflection on how that has changed your perspective or given you some insight into the meaning illness has for a particular person.
When writing your reflection make sure you consider your own perceptions, morals and ethics.

This module gave you the opportunity to explore how the various people we interact with in the health care environment make meaning of their illness and of their situation. It has also given you the opportunity to reflect on how you relate to that and to make meaning of your own experiences.
For your assessment:
Review and refine your reflection from the activity for this module to a 550 word paragraph. For you kind information i have clinical speciality area “PERIOPERATIVE NURSING ”

Thank you


Module 3 370

During the perioperative period, patients often undergo changes which are challenging (Griffin & Yancey, 2010). Surgery often has physical, social, spiritual and emotional effects. Literature has it that, a perspective that a person will undergo a heart surgery in itself frightens any human being. This is based on the notion people have that the heart has a cultural meaning of being responsible for emotions and control of life (Worster & Holmes, 2011). Therefore, an operation involving this organ emotionally affects the patients as well as their families since these members may be unable to carry out daily activities.

Surgical treatment of many conditions makes the patients feel threatened due to alteration of their self-image and therefore, it provokes anxiety which is accelerated by their weakened state due to their clinical condition (Worster & Holmes, 2011). Furthermore these patients have fear of death posed by administration of anesthetic agents during surgery and fear of getting irreversible damage from the operation.. Most often, the minds of these patients are preoccupied with a variety of fantasies and feelings (Reynolds & Carnwell, 2012).  Due to isolation from their loved ones, patients undergoing surgery often feel disappointed when hen there is decreased attention and care from them. These patients tend to have reduced self-esteem and feeling of loneliness and worthiness. Many patients face frustration when their recovery takes longer making them being unable to perform activities which they valued.

Care givers express their intermittent feelings of worry, fear and uncertainty about prolonged hospital stay, increased cost (Manohar , Cheung, Wu & Stierer, 2014). After surgery, some patients are hospitalized longer and this increases financial burden to the caregivers. Besides, there are some care givers who have a mentality that the surgical operation might not have positive outcomes. This mostly is attributed to previous experiences from their family members or friends. For patients undergoing orthopedic surgery, there is increase in pain and delay in recovery and this places physical, emotional and financial burdens. Most caregivers are involved in carrying out health related duties, and this therefore places a burden to them. This in turn, makes caregivers have an extremely stressful experience (Tan et al., 2011).

After reviewing literature on the patient’s and caregiver’s perception on illness, it has come to my realization that surgery has many impacts on the patient’s quality of life as well as their physical health (Reynolds & Carnwell, 2012). Moreover, I realized that spirituality is an important aspect in quick recuperation of patient after surgery Similarly, it is important for the healthcare provider make patients and the families members get to understand meaning of illness when recovering from the surgical procedure (Reynolds & Carnwell, 2012).Understanding the patients values, beliefs and spirituality will provide bases for the health care provider to best enable the family members to best cope and adapt during the perioperative period

My experience in the perioperative setting opened my mind and I realized that, nurses in the have a responsibility in educating their patients as well as the care givers in an attempt to create awareness on some of the misconceptions held about surgical management of diseases. In addition, they should also respect the opinions of the patients and the caregivers. Furthermore, I have realized that nurses should respect the cultures and spiritual part of their patients since these factors has an effect during the recovery period. Finally, when providing care to patients who have undergone operation, it should be done in that it should be holistic, incorporating ethical considerations and the patient’s culture.


Berman, A., Snyder, S.J., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Levett-Jones T., Dwyer, T., Hales, M., Harvey, N., & Stanley, D. (2012). Kozier and erb’s  fundamentals of nursing (2nd ed.). Vol 2, NSW:  Pearson Sydney Australia.

Burkhardt, M. A., & Nathaniel, A. (2013). Ethics and issues in contemporary nursing. Cengage Learning.

DeKeyser Ganz, F., & Berkovitz, K. (2011). Surgical nurses’ perceptions of ethical dilemmas, moral distress and quality of care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(7), 1516-1525.

Faden, R. R., Kass, N. E., Goodman, S. N., Pronovost, P., Tunis, S., & Beauchamp, T. L. (2013). An ethics framework for a learning health care system: a departure from traditional research ethics and clinical ethics. Hastings Center Report, 43(s1), S16-S27.

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Griffin, A., & Yancey, V. (2010). Spiritual Dimensions of the Perioperative Experience. AORN Journal, 89(5), 875-882.

Hunt, L., Ramjan, L., McDonald, G., Koch, J., Baird, D., & Salamonson, Y. (2015). Nursing students’ perspectives of the health and healthcare issues of Australian Indigenous people. Nurse education today, 35(3), 461-467.

Ingravallo, F., Gilmore, E., Vignatelli, L., Dormi, A., Carosielli, G., Lanni, L., & Taddi, P. (2014). Factors associated with nurse’s opinion and practices regarding information and consent. Nursing Ethics, 2(3), 259-313.

Ion, R., Smith, K., Nimmo, S., Rice, A. M., & McMillan, L. (2015). Factors influencing student nurse decisions to report poor practice witnessed while on placement. Nurse education today, 35(7), 900-905.

Manohar, A., Cheung, K., Wu, C. L., & Stierer, T. S. (2014). Burden Incurred by Patients and Their Caregivers After Outpatient Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 472(5), 1416–1426

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2010). Nursing and national competency standards for Registered nurse.

O’Donnell, P. (2015). Values and Ethics of Healthcare Social Work. Social Work Practice in Healthcare: Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends, 127.

Petronio, S., & Sargent, J. (2011). Disclosure Predicaments Arising During the Course of Patient Care: Nurses’ Privacy Management. Health Communication, 26(3), 255-266.

Reynolds, J., & Carnwell, R. (2012). The nurse-patient relationship in the post-anesthetic care unit. Nursing Standard, 24(15), 40-46.

Tan, K., Konishi, F., Kawamura, Y., Maeda, T., Sasaki, J., Tsujinaka, S., & Horie, H. (2011). Laparoscopic colorectal surgery in elderly patients: a case-control study of 15 years of experience. The American Journal of Surgery, 201(4), 531-536.

Worster, B., & Holmes, S. (2011). A phenomenological study of the postoperative experiences of patients undergoing  heart surgery . European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 13(5), 315-322.

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