Personal Nursing Philosophy Concept Synthesis
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Concept Synthesis: Personal Nursing Philosophy
The necessity of philosophy in nursing is to facilitate practice by enhancing the understanding of nurses about the concepts they encounter when executing their roles. Nursing is an old profession and theoretical models help pass the knowledge and experience of predecessors to the current generation of practitioners. This ensures that nurses can solve issues more efficiently when using models than they would do in the absence of the philosophies. It is therefore imperative that the current nursing is better than that of the older days, and theoretical models are vehicles of practice advancement. In this paper, I reflect on the application of the four metaparadigms of nursing as they are outlined in nursing models and as they apply to practice. I will discuss the nursing, patient, health, and environment aspects comprehensively and conclude by outlining several propositions that connect the discussed metaparadigms.
The Four Nursing Metaparadigms
Metaparadigms are ideas that describe the holistic functioning of a particular system. In nursing practice, such metaparadigms are rigid in that they would not change with the emergence of new theories, and instead, developed models fall within the metaparadigms. Basically, nursing practice falls within the four established concepts, and practitioners rely on their understanding to deliver care that is satisfactory to their clients. The metaparadigms interconnect in a way that they form the scope of practice and offer references for nurses when making of clinical decisions.
- Health
I understand health to be the outcome or the objective of the entire process of nursing. The purpose of nursing is to restore health or well-being in patients regardless of the methodologies that they apply. The responsibility of nurses is to know what factors hurt health and how people could remain healthy through approaches such as preventing disease and treating them. I also consider health to be a form of satisfaction. People are unhealthy if they have bothers regardless of the nature of such bothers. Usually, alleviation of health could be physical, psychological, or spiritual. Lack of satisfaction from any of the three approaches translates to dissatisfaction which is the disease status. Since health entails the maintenance of processes to a certain regular state, it is possible for people to lose it through distractions that would interfere with physical, psychological, or spiritual normalcy. Disease is the problem that motivates nursing practice and the interaction between patients and nurses, and health is the expected outcome of the holistic process. Failure to achieve the state of wellbeing is therefore a frustration to nursing practice. It is also important to note that health cannot be described as a discrete status, but it is rather a relative condition. For instance, what could be health at a certain age could be unhealthy at a different age. Other factors that could influence the perception of health include gender, environment, and one’s physiological condition. Again, it is worth noting that while various factors could influence the perception of health without necessarily causing disease, others would predispose people to abnormalities.
- Environment
Far than it may seem, the environment is essentially important to nursing practice. Usually, it is the vehicle that nurses propel to generate health. Nightingale suggested that the curing or treatment process only entail the provision of a combination of environmental situations that would favor the restoration of normalcy in the human body (Jones, 2010, Pg. 190). The philosopher argued that healing itself is a natural occurrence and nursing, just like any other area, has minimal contribution to bringing health into persons. Instead, the practice facilitates the occurrence of desirable natural outcomes by manipulating the environment so that it increases chances of happenings being desirable. The scope of the environment is broad and it could be interpreted to incorporate the nature and all other conditions that influence the wellness condition of patients. As such, the environment could be so broad so as to entail factors such as the behavioral practices that nurses perform. Generally, anything whose presence influences the outcomes of the wellness status in people would constitute the environment. It is essential to know that the concept of environment in nursing entails both external and internal determinants. The external factors range from the geography of the setting of patient care and social factors such as culture and interactions. On the other hand, internal factors include the prevailing health outcome determinants such one’s mental health. Nurses are obliged to understand the environment of their patients for them to offer effective and satisfactory care. For instance, they would require the knowledge of the environment when determining the level of patients’ predisposition to diseases.
- Person
The person as explained in the metaparadigms of nursing refers to the subject of care. The concept would refer to the patient at a glance, but upon a more comprehensive analysis, it would also entail other interested persons such as patient’s families. In other words, the person is any party that would directly enjoy the outcomes of the nursing process. The nursing process directs its services to the person and seeks to achieve satisfaction. The person is important in the nursing process as factors that such as the culture and beliefs of the recipient of care would shape the structure of nursing. Parties such as Patients’ families are also critical in nursing as they are involved actively in making clinical decision together with patients and nursing. Rodger’s theory explains the concept of person in nursing practice as a unitary being that develops after the interaction of physical, social, and other environmental determinants of health. Other philosophers who gave a comprehensive understanding of the person in nursing include Henderson and Watson. In his philosophy, Henderson explained that the biological, psychological, and spiritual determinants of the recipient of care are essential when considering the nursing process (Jarrin, 2012, Pg. 17). On his side, Watson explained the necessity of the unity of the nature, mind, and body in driving nursing practice (Bell, Campbell, & Goldberg, 2015). When caring for patients, nurses pay attention to the person by promoting the mental and physical health of their clients prior to initiating treatment. They also pay attention to the person by promoting cultural-sensitive care as different patients would present with specific cultural and belief needs. When nurses focus on the needs of the patient, they comply with the models of nursing that require care to be directed to the person concept.
- Nursing
Nursing as defined in philosophical models is the professional practice whose competence one acquire through training, knowledge search, and experience. Qualified professionals conduct themselves in a particular way that allows them to establish healthy interactions with their patients. For effective nursing, there are virtues that professionals must express toward their patients. For instance, the virtue of compassion would apply on everyday nursing practice as the professionals would always deal with suffering clients whose wellness would require emotional support. The nursing component also involves activities such as promoting and preserving the dignity of patients. Peplau described nursing practice as a therapeutic process that involves interpersonal relationships between parties for the best outcomes (Deane & Fain, 2015). Important activities that happen within the concept of nursing as models indicate include critical decision-making. In most cases, clinical decisions would not be straight-forward, and it would be necessary for nursing practitioners to determine the appropriate approaches through critical thinking. Commitment and dedication to service are also virtues that would facilitate nursing practice. Nursing involves caring for others, and therefore, commitment and dedication are inseparable from practice for it to be efficient. Also, it is worth noting that nursing upholds human values and its purpose is to protect such values by addressing the health needs of people.
Concepts Specific to Practice
Evidence-Guided Nursing
Nursing is a science, and therefore, it is informed by scientific evidence. Evidence-guided practice is associated with the application of the best available strategies of care. Nursing adopts the evidence-based nature so as to promote patient outcomes. Scientific evidence mainly applies to practice by facilitating decision-making and describing the safety of choices made. The approach enable nurses to link practice to research so that information is appraised through research prior to its application to patient care. It also enhances the competence of nurses by ensuring that they stay informed and updated about the available practice approaches. In addition, evidence-based practice enables practitioners to address the preferences of their clients effectively. The current nursing has more than forty-seven models that offer guidelines concerning the application of evidence-based practice at its disposal (Stevens, 2013).
Patient Education
The scope of nursing entails roles such as mentorship, guidance, and teaching of patients. Nurses promote patients’ well-being by ensuring that they are informed ion various matters of health. Information enables patients to participate actively in the health care provision by facilitating practices such as decision-making and administration of self-care. Other advantages of patient education to nursing include promotion of patient compliance as people can understand the necessity of specific treatment procedures. However, due to other patient factors such as illiteracy, nursing may find it frustrating to educate patients. So as to overcome such limitations, practitioners explore theoretically advocated approaches to patient care. Activities involved in such practices include the assessment of individualized teaching, maintenance of favorable learning environment, application of effective strategies, and evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching (Smith & Zsohar, 2013).
Proposition dictate the assumptions that theories incorporate in their structure for their suggestions to be applicable. The following are the propositions I deduced from the discussion of various metaparadigms of nursing:
Nursing is a holistic practice that addresses both clinical and non-clinical factors that influence the health of patients.
Nursing entails the manipulation of environmental factors so that they favor the natural occurrence of the desired outcomes.
Social and cultural factors of patients such as interactions in the community and beliefs are important determinants of health approaches that nurses should consider during their practice.
Poor mental health is a set back to the provision of quality health care services to patients.
Patients would be able to manage their health if they are informed accordingly by nursing professionals.
Bell, E., Campbell, S., & Goldberg, L. R. (2015). Nursing identity and patient-centredness in scholarly health services research: a computational text analysis of PubMed abstracts 1986–2013. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 3.
Deane, W. H. & Fain, J. A. (2015). Incorporating Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations to Promote Holistic Communication Between Older Adults and Nursing Students. Journal of Holistic Nursing. Retrieved from
Jarrin, O. F. (2012). The Integrality of Situated Caring in Nursing and the Environment. Ans. Advances in Nursing Science, 35(1), 14–24.
Jones, T. L. (2010). A Holistic Framework for Nursing Time: Implications for Theory, Practice, and Research. Nursing Forum, 45(3), 185–196.
Smith, J. A. & Zsohar, H. (2013). Patient education tips for new nurses. American Journal of Nursing, 43(10). doi: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000434224.51627.8a
Stevens, K., (2013). The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(2). DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No02Man04
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