Persuasive Speech Martin Luther King Jr

Persuasive Speech Martin Luther King Jr Angie’s Beauty currently offers paid holidays on Martin Luther King Jr. the day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and two paid personal days.

Persuasive Speech Martin Luther King Jr
Persuasive Speech Martin Luther King Jr

Make a recommendation to your department that it supports a new, more inclusive holiday schedule (be specific). How would the new holiday benefit the company? Why it should be celebrated? Etc.

For at least two reasons, readers should familiarize themselves with Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (also known as “The Negro Is Your Brother”).

Most significantly, King’s letter was written during “a critical turning point in the struggle for African American civil rights” and is, therefore, generally considered “the most important written document of the modern civil rights movement and a classic text on civil disobedience” (Milestone Documents).

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