Philosophy Critical Writing Assignment

Philosophy Critical Writing
Philosophy Critical Writing

Philosophy Critical Writing


  1. Your goal is to construct a critical response to something that we’ve read so far this semester.
  2. To do that, I’d like you to find a claim/theory or argument from one of the texts we’ve read and give reasons for thinking that either the claim/theory is false or that the argument doesn’t work.
  3. The reasons you give should be your own. You should not rely on others’ criticisms.
  4. Relatively, you should not do outside research for this paper.
  5. You may respond to texts that we haven’t read in class provided that they pertain to phenomenal consciousness and you get them approved by me.


  1. Your paper should consist of several elements, in roughly the following order:

a.Briefly introduce your topic (no more than 100 words)

  1. Say which claim/theory/argument you are going to criticize,
  2. concisely state your main criticism, and iii.give some sense of what your reasoning will be.

b.Explain the target (~250-500 words)

  1. A thorough explanation of the claim/theory/argument you intend to criticize.
  2. Make sure to use concrete examples if you can. iii.Make sure to explain how key terms are being used.


  1. Explain your reasoning (~250-500 words)
  2. A thorough explanation of you reasons for thinking the claim/theory is false or that the argument doesn’t work.


  1. Consider and respond to one or two objections to your reasoning (~250-500 words)
  2. Thoroughly explainone or two ways in which the proponent of the claim/theory/argument that you’re criticizing will respond to your criticisms.
  3. Try to give some reasons for thinking their criticisms won’t succeed.

e.Summarize your results (~150 words)

  1. Remind your reader of your main claim and your argument for it.


4.You’re aiming for somewhere around 1500 words. a.This is mean as a rough guideline. You can go under or over.

b.But, if you’re going significantly under, there’s a decent chance that your paper won’t be detailed enough.

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