Philosophy of Proper Leadership Ethics

Philosophy of Proper Leadership Ethics A ethics paper addresses following questions:
what is your philosophy of proper leadership ethics in your industry or career path?

Philosophy of Proper Leadership Ethics
Philosophy of Proper Leadership Ethics

What kinds of ethical dilemmas will you encounter in your chosen career
path? Anticipate the kinds of reasons and rationalizations you will be faced with. Come up with a new script (using Giving Voice to Values material) for at
least one of those dilemmas. Use outside research, textbook analysis, courses exercises and personal assessments to develop your points and support your
thinking. It must, though, encapsulate what you have learned from class readings and discussions. What’s your new ideas about your understanding of ethics
and what lessons you apply intend to apply to your personal and professional lives in terms of ethical analysis, decision making and ethical leadership.
Required Text Book/ software/ tools:
1.Trevino, L.K.& Nelson,K.A.(2017). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (fifth edition).
2. Two online simulations – AGES & Turning Gears

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