Plan for Managing Diverse and Difficult Learners

Plan for Managing Diverse and Difficult Learners
Plan for Managing Diverse and Difficult Learners

Plan for Managing Diverse and Difficult Learners

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Plan for Managing Diverse and Difficult Learners

• Based on concepts and theories learned and discussed in class, create a classroom management plan, incorporating effective behavior models and differentiated instructional strategies for learners with special needs and diverse learning styles.

• Identify strategies that address and respect the diverse cultures, linguistic backgrounds and/or exceptionalities of students in a P12 setting, and develop a plan accordingly. This plan should identify the major issues concerning diversity in the classroom, as discussed in this course and observed in the field experience classroom.

• Identify the techniques and strategies that you will use to address the needs of linguistically, culturally, and academically diverse learners, including the accommodations made to the learning environment

• Address how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your management strategies.
Open format follow APA guidelines : Brochure, PPT, Prezi, Paper.


The developing world has brought about the challenge of diversity in learning institutions. Diversity is the aspect that differentiates individuals from different backgrounds, belief system and educational environments. In a diverse learning environment, there are different groups of students and environments that teachers can be exposed to like the high achievers, mentally impaired and slow learners among others (Niles, 2005). As a teacher, it should be realized that there are different learners who should be handled differently to be successful in their learning environments. This paper looks into the diverse learning environments, cultures and backgrounds in terms of the strategies, behaviour models and techniques meant to accommodate diversity students.

The mentally impaired Class-wide peer assisted self-management program that brings in the sense of mentoring between different students in the class.

Role reversal tutoring could also be utilized to avoid immaturity that easily comes by.

Differentiation where students are given varied learning content, products and modes of reading.

Co-operative learning can also be utilized as such students lack sociable skills.

The attention deficit disordered students Peer initiation training that improves the level of eye contact and other aspects meant to gain most out of such a group. Differentiation strategies could be utilized where emphasis is on the key ideas, orderly mode of presentation and assessment to ensure maximum attention.

Here, cooperative learning should also be used to reduce classroom movement

The jigsaw method can also be utilized to ensure students are better in different modes.

The academically Gifted students Here, peer initiation training can be used to improve the social skills of the students, increase accountability and develop interpersonal skills(Niles, 2005). Cooperative learning that is meant to develop the student could be utilized in this case.
The emotionally disordered students Role reversal tutoring is the model best suited for such students.


The jigsaw method could be incorporated in such a case to ensure that the groups can interact and learn in a conducive environment.

The other group of students include the learning disabled, hearing and sight disabled students who all require different modes of management and handling. The methods incorporated could be analysed through skilled individuals that read directions, specialized equipment provisions, tests presented and answered differently according to the special needs of the students (Niles, 2005)


Niles W.J. (2005).Building a Classroom Management Plan for Inclusive Environments: From Fear to F.E.A.R.TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus.Volume 2, Issue 1

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