Poetry Paper – Poem analysis Assignment

Poetry Paper - Poem analysis
                  Poetry Paper – Poem analysis

Poetry Paper – Poem analysis

  1. Introductory paragraph
  2. “Title”
  3. Author

Brief background to help the reader understand the poem better

Relate three elements that you will discuss in the body of the essay.

Write a paragraph on the first element.

III. Write a paragraph on the second element

Write a paragraph on the third element.

Write a conclusion relating what the poem means to you, why you choose it, how you connect with it, what you learned from it, why you will remember it.

The paper can range between 500-750 words.

Include a Works Cited page (Textbooks: Literature to Go by Michael Meyer (3rd ed.) )

Please use normal college level English and vocabulary.

The poem will be ” I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud ”



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