Police investigation and interrogation Article Review

Police investigation and interrogation Article Review
Police investigation and interrogation Article Review

Police investigation and interrogation Article Review

Article Review and rewrite with instructions to follow

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Police investigation and interrogation

Police investigation and interrogation is open out process of reasons behind crime. Many stages come in the process of interrogation. To properly manage the process of interrogation gathers all the aspects of specific criminal activity. There are three main steps of interrogation first is interviewing, then questioning and to end with interrogating a suspect.

A police interrogation that induces a fake affirmation not only may outcome in a illegal imprisonment or conviction. It might let the right performer to go free of charge and give extra brutal crimes. This discusses experiential, legal, and policy questions regarding the process of modern police interrogation and the confessions it produce. The chapter summarizes the most vital findings from the wide experiential social-science research text, and then reviews open law and policy about police questioning. It then offers empirically based policy and legal recommendations casing together the analytical and critical phases of not in favor of the law (Leo, R.A., 2018).

Interviewing is the least step of communication. This is a best step to calculate suspicious person by the posturing while answering the questions. The changeover point for an investigator to come from interviewing a witness or victim to detain and questioning the person as a likely suspect should occur when genuine proof is exposed giving the investigator sensible basis to suspect that the person is mixed up in the happening. In interviewing damaging Stereotyping Scale was developed and used to charge the clear level of interviewers’ damaging stereotyping towards suspect from certain stigmatized groups (Minhas.R. 2018).

Factual analysis is an inductive move where each being suspect is evaluated with revere to exact remarks related to the crime. Applying factual analysis results in creating an estimate of a picky suspect’s likely fault or purity based on such things as the suspect’s social grade (gender, race, occupation, marital status, etc.), occasion and contact to assign the crime, their behavior before and after the offense, their motivation and proclivity to entrust the crime, and estimation of bodily and restricted facts.

In Behavior Analysis Interview the investigator first ask backdrop questions, to set up individual in turn about the reason and allow the investigator to appraise the suspect’s normal verbal and nonverbal behavior. The investigator then wants to do behavior-provoking questions intended to illustrate out dissimilar verbal and nonverbal responses from honest and deceptive suspects. The investigator will also ask some diagnostic questions during this stage.

Suspect interviewing and interrogation practices have been applied in many different countries. These practices have produced helpful and interesting answer, while also send-off an opening for outlook inquiry (Penny cook, A., 2017)

An important part in the investigation is the interrogation of suspects. The aim of the questioning is usually to obtain an access of guilt by the suspect, which would get rid of the need for a contested test. Realistic grounds for idea to make such an arrest have need of some form of direct evidence or strong indirect evidence that relates the suspect to the crime. Development of interrogation has following main steps which are: The positive argument, subject progress, treatment denial, Overcoming objection, Procurement and custody of suspect’s awareness, handling the suspect’s inactive frame of mind, present one more question and having the believe in words relate diverse details of the crime. The essential components within the culture of investigative interviewing will boost detectives’ ability to gather and test correct and reliable information and increase the likelihood of solving the case at hand (Brown and Darryl ,k 2005).  A large proportion of these criminals may have vulnerabilities, such as psychological health difficulties. Given the complication linked with weak suspects, such interviews may be compromised, which could direct to a miscarriage of justice (Kassin, S.M and Gudjonsson. G.H, 2016). The mainstream of officers indicated that they have use drawings to review inconsistency with suspects’ vocal statement ( Hartwig,M and Kronkvist., 2015)

Police interrogations of suspects can be reported as in wording, or recorded on audio or video. Scientific developments of the ancient times decades have lead to an enlarged use of audio and video recording of interrogations (Malsch, M., et all, 2018). The meaning of confessions within the search and trial process is in the past recognized through the apparent union linking confession and rescue within spiritual trial, which unspecified all confessions genuine and dependable (Griffiths, A. and Rachlew, A., 2018).

The interactions involving police and community members have the inclination to be expressively emotional and technical to come on realities behind the crime. Over all process of investigating and interrogation is quite harsh.


Follow the OSCOLA referencing style for proper in-text and referencing format.

The reference list should be placed at the end of your document and it should start on a new page separated from the rest of the text. This page’s name should be Bibliography (aligned to the left, bold, at the top of the page). Do NOT underline or use quotation marks for this.

In the bibliography, no full stops or pinpoints are included for any source.

Depending on the sources included, the bibliography list could be separated into sub-sections for each category: e.g. Books/Journal Articles, etc.

Please note that you should not leave an additional line between references.

The punctuation and capitalization that is used by the journal in its title should remain the same.

Alignment for the bibliography page/s is Align left.

You should remove the hyperlink from the reference entries. (Right click ñ Remove hyperlink)

There should be continuous flow and consistency in the format of your writing (Times New Roman, 12 size fonts and 1,5 line spacing).

The reference entries in the bibliography should not be numbered or bulleted.


Brown, Darryl K. “The decline of defense counsel and the rise of accuracy in criminal adjudication.” Calif. L. Rev. 93 (2005): 1585.

Griffiths, A. and Rachlew, A., 2018. From interrogation to investigative interviewing: The application of psychology. In The Psychology of Criminal Investigation (pp. 154-178). Routledge.

Hartwig, M.,. and Kronkvist, O., 2015. Strategic use of evidence during police interviews: When training to detect deception works. Law and human behavior, 30(5), pp.603-619.

Kassin, S.M. and Gudjonsson, G.H., 2016. The psychology of confessions: A review of the literature and issues. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5(2), pp.33-67.

Leo, R.A., 2018. Police Interrogation and Suspect Confessions.

Malsch, M., Kranendonk, P.R., De Keijser, J.W., Komter, M.L., Boer, M.D. and Elffers, H., 2018. Reporting on Police Interrogations: Selection effects and bias related to the use of text, video and audiotape. Investigative Interviewing: Research and Practice, 9, p.16.

Minhas, R., 2018. ëSuspectíCommunity Stereotyping and Criminal Investigations:ìIn pursuit of higher transparencyî: A study of how police officers in England and Wales are believed to investigate people from the Muslim community.

Pennycook, A., 2017. The cultural politics of English as an international language. Routledge.

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