Political biography about Life and Understanding

Political biography about Life and Understanding Political biography which tells us about your life from the lens of your understanding and knowledge of political topics.

Political biography about Life and Understanding
Political biography about Life and Understanding

For example, at what age did you begin thinking about issues of justice or injustice, either in terms of race, gender, income inequality, sexual preference, etc.?

Political biography about Life and Understanding Essay Description

What are your views about income inequality? Is that natural or unnatural? What led you to thinking about these topics? What did you understand then about injustice? What do you think about it now? When did you begin forming ideas or opinions about the US government? What were those opinions? What was the basis for them, i.e, were you influenced by friends, teachers, parents, etc?  What poltiical beliefs do you hold now? How did you come to adopt these beliefs? How do you rate your knowledge on these topics? Do you have reactions to some of the current hot topics? For example, the Charlottesville violence underscores the persistence of racism and antisemitism. Likewise, we remain at risk and insecure from the threat of global conflict and even nuclear war.  Here is information re: Income inequality – the existence of haves and have nots – is likewise a persistent problem. . Finally, please conclude by what you hope this course can contribute to your understanding of political matters and to the quality of your life.   Please upload a word file, written in paragraph form (not one long paragraph, please us individual paragraphs that contain related content).

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