Political sensibilities pertaining to deep differences

Political sensibilities pertaining to deep differences
Political sensibilities pertaining to deep differences

Political sensibilities pertaining to deep differences

Identify two recent films that is within 5 years and not presented in class that you believe have the potential to transform one’s political sensibilities pertaining to deep differences. In addition to your recommendations, be sure to give a full citation and a short abstract for both of the films you suggest.

These are the list of films that you can not use:

Beach Rats, 2017; Directed by Eliza Hittman

Boys Don’t Cry, 1998; Directed by Kimberly Pierce

Boyz ‘N the Hood, 1991; Directed by John Singleton

Call Me By Your Name, 2017; Directed by Luca Quadagnino

Cesar Chavez: An American Hero, 2014; Directed by Diego Luna

Do the Right Thing, 1989; Directed by Spike Lee

Get Out, 2017; Directed by Jordan Peele

Loving, 2016; Directed by Jeff Nichols

Milk, 2008; Directed by Gus Van Sant

Moonlight, 2016; Directed by Barry Jenkins

My Own Private Idaho, 1991; Directed by Gus Van Sant

Selma, 2014; Directed by Ava DuVernay

Smoke Signals, 1998; Directed by Chris Eyre

Stonewall: Where Pride Began, 2015; Directed by Roland Emmerich

Straight Outta Compton, 2015; Directed by F. Gary Gray

The Birth of a Nation, 2016; Directed by Nate Parker

Twelve Years a Slave, 2013; Directed by Steve McQueen

13th, 2016; Directed by Ava DuVernay

A Place of Rage, 1991; Directed by Pratibha Parmar

America in Black & White: A Question of Identity, 2003; Films for Humanities and Science

A Family Portrait, 2011; Directed by Melissa Leu and Jeff Haig (Student Film)

Cultural Criticism & Transformation, 1997; Featuring bell hooks and Directed by Sut Jhally

Ethnic Notions, 1986; Directed by Marlon Riggs

Exploring Society: Gender, 2005

Exploring Society: Race and Ethnicity, 2005

Exploring Society: Social Class, 2008

Further Off the Straight and Narrow: New Gay Visibility on Television, 2006; Katherine Sender

Generation M: Misogyny in Media and Culture, 2013; Directed by Thomas Keith

How Racism Harms White America, 2013; Directed by John Bracey

*I Am Not Your Negro, 2016; Directed by Raoul Peck

Latinos Beyond Reel: Challenging a Media Stereotype, 2012

Off the Straight and Narrow: Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals & Television, 1998

On White Privilege, 2008; Featuring Tim Wise

Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People, 2006; Directed by Sut Jhally

Responding to Diversity; 2011; Directed by Rise Sanders Weir and Tracy Ullman

Soundtrack for a Revolution, 2009; Directed by Bill Guttentag

The Brandon Teena Story, 1998; Directed by Susan Muska and Greta Olafsdottir

The Bro Code: How Contemporary Culture Creates Sexist Men, 2011; Directed by Thomas Keith

*The Celluloid Closet, 1995; Directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman

The Empathy Gap: Masculinity & The Courage to Change, 2015; Directed by Thomas Keith

The Origins of Cultural Studies, 1989 ; Featuring Stuart Hall

*The Times of Harvey Milk, 1984; Directed by Rob Epstein

White Like Me, 2013; Featuring Tim Wise and Directed by S. Morris

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