Porter Airline Facilities and Industry Impact Analysis

Porter Airline Facilities and Industry Impact Analysis Equipment/Facilities and Industry Impact Analysis

Porter Airline Facilities and Industry Impact Analysis
Porter Airline Facilities and Industry Impact Analysis
  1. Circumstances where instruction on equipment/facilities or industry sector as required for risk preparedness strategic planning of the overall operation
  2. Storage of equipment and/or support materials (special storage requirements as relevant – i.e. cleaning, solution bottles) or infrastructure (i.e. computer data)
  3. Who is responsible for maintaining/inspecting equipment/support materials and information regarding record keeping (a maintenance log of risk containment)
  4. Activities and facilities requiring safety equipment (i.e. any industry standards) Porter’s Five Forces analysis is a useful methodology and a tool to analyze the external environment in which any industry operates. The key aspect about using Porter’s Five Forces for the airline industry in the United States is that the airline industry has been buffeted by strong headwinds from a host of external factors that include declining passenger traffic, increasing operating expenses, high fuel prices, and greater landing and maintenance costs, apart from intense competition from low-cost carriers that has led to a cutthroat price war which has led the industry severely affected.

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