Preliminary Literature Review
My dependent variable will be students’ academic achievement, measured based on the question: “In your opinion, what does your class teacher(s) think about your school performance compared to your classmates?
My independent variable will be students’ not eating breakfast measured based on the survey question: How often do you usually have breakfast (more than a glass of milk or fruit juice) on WEEKDAYS?
I hypothesis that children who do not consume breakfast, the lower they will rate their academic achievement
The start of a literature review using five (5) or more pieces of articles on your topic of interest. It should be 2-4 pages long, not including the references in APA style. I give you two “Model Answers”, which you can see if you click on each in the light-blue words below.
I prefer the way that the model answer Example Lit Review (best example).pdf Preview the document) is drafted. It motivates better and summarizes the articles by giving proper emphasis to those more pertinent to the hypothesis to be analyzed.
The last four (4) pages of the model answer Literature Review Example(rough based on annotated bib)Preview the document is not great. The reason I post this example is so you can see how to use notes on each paper (the book annotations: titles with an article summary) to develop a literature review. My issue with this article review is that it reads a bit like a laundry list–the author basically just opted to spew information about one article after another without integrating and synthesizing them at all. A review like this one would not get you a top grade. The best you could probably get with a review like this is a 12 out of 15 points.
You will need to submit a single 2-4 pages document.
I prefer them to have 1″ borders all around with page
numbers somewhere. Space and a half line-spacing is
preferred using Times New Roman 12 pt font. I also like paragraphs to start with a 0.5″ indentation and 6 pt line spacing prior to them. I prefer 12 pt spacing prior to section headers and titles. Use APA style for all citations and references.
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