Preliminary research on Apple Company

Preliminary research on Apple Company
Preliminary research on Apple Company

Preliminary research on Apple Company

Order Instructions:


Start preliminary planning for your strategic plan project.

Assignment Description:

Select from the 3 companies Ford Motor Company, Apple or iRobot which company you plan to write your strategic plan for and begin your preliminary research on the company background, products, services, markets serving, key technologies, key manufacturing and operations, financial strength, key partners…etc.


This assignment is worth 75 points.

You are to follow APA formatting and style, and the assignment will be graded following the grading rubric “BU482 Phase 1 and 2 Research Plan Project Work Grading Rubric.“

BU482 Strategic Plan Project Description
The strategic plan project is broken into 4 parts:
Phase 1 Research Strategic Plan Project Preparation Work
Phase 2 Research Strategic Plan Project Preparation Work
Phase 3 Strategic Plan Sections 1- 5
Phase 4 Final Strategic Plan Sections 1-10
Develop a strategic plan for iRobot, Ford or Apple. This should be your writing of a strategic plan for either of these companies and not a copy of their strategic plans. Be creative in your vision for these companies by analyzing the company information provided and using your own research. For example, analyze/develop the mission and vision statement, external and internal forces, long term objectives, desired strategies, management organization/issues, implementation plan/issues and a conclusion. Each of these companies are in dynamic industries undergoing significant changes. For example, Apple is under extreme pressure from Samsung, Google and other Android devices, new tablets and technology, smartphones, cloud computing, sustainability, cost pressures, economic and environmental pressures. Ford is under pressures from the United States and other foreign governmental regulations, zero emission requirements, global competition, product costs, safety technology, satellite systems, intense innovative competitive designs and growth in the emerging markets like India, China and Brazil. iRobot is developing technology that has both military and commercial use, governments are beginning to regulate the use of robots such as drones, robot and computer technology changes quickly and the public is unsure how robots will affect or be a part of their lives. Be creative and develop your strategic plan for one of these fantastic companies. You are to follow the strategic planning process outlined in our textbook shown in (David, Figure 1-1,page 14) and which is highlighted in each chapter of the book but be creative and include sources and information from outside of our test book.
Report Length should be at least 10 pages double spaced (not including the cover page or appendices), 12 point font and following APA 6th Edition writing guidelines.
Phase 1 Research Strategic Plan Project Preparation Work – Select from the 3 companies Ford Motor Company, Apple or iRobot which company you plan to write your strategic plan for and begin your preliminary research on the company background, products, services, markets serving, key technologies, key manufacturing and operations, financial strength, key partners…etc.. – Due in Week 2

Company Information Retrieved (March 2013)
Investor / Financial Information Retrieved (March 2013)


Phase 1: Preliminary research on Apple Company

Company Background

Apple Company is a multinational corporation based in the United States. Its headquarter is in California. It is specialized in the development, designing, marketing and selling of consumer electronics, online services, personal computers and computer software. The company has managed to create its market niche by producing a dominant hardware which is used in the Mac product line such as iPod media players, iPad table computers and iPhone smartphones. The software used to run the Mac hardware is known as the iOS operating systems and the OS X (David, 2007). The company was founded by three principles; Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak in the year 1976. The company then became incorporated into Apple Computer, Inc. in 1977 and later renamed to Apple Company Inc. in 2007. The new name reflected the companies shift in focus to produce a diversified line of consumer electronics. Currently, the company ranks as the second largest in the IT industry. This rank comes after Samsung Electronics which has been ranked as the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer.


Apple sales it products via an online store as well as its chain retail stores. Some of its other products are sold by direct sales force, resellers, value added resellers and third party wholesalers (David, 2007). These products include Macintosh, iPods, iPhones and other compatible hardware products such as storage devices, printers, watches, branded television sets, headphones, speakers among other computer peripherals and accessories.


The online services provided by Apple Company include iTunes Store, iCloud as well as an App Store. Apple also manufacturers digital contents which are sold through iTunes Store. These services include software programs which are sold through the Apple App Store to its diverse groups of consumers. The iCloud online service has been helpful in syncing a wide range of data such as contacts, email, documents, calendars and photos. The iCloud also offers backup storage for iOS.


Apple has specialized in segmenting, creating market niches and penetrating market segments. The company has created a blue ocean for its products since, in spite of the high prices, the company has managed to retain its customers who range from small and mid-sized businesses, individual consumers, educational institutions, government agencies, creative customers and enterprises.

Markets serving

Apple Company Inc. serves multinational customers through its 425 chains of retail stores which are strategically located in 14 countries. The supply chain is facilitated by other independent sellers.

Key technologies

                The latest technologies by Apple Company Inc. include the iOS 8 which has more than 4000 APIs that lets developers improve the capabilities and features of applications. The technology enables a deeper integration of iOS thus enabling extended functionality. The technology has facilitated game development. The iCloud for developer’s technology has leveraged the full power of building applications through the cloud kit framework. The developers can now securely and easily store and retrieve essential data on their applications from an online database.

Key manufacturing and operations

Manufacturing and operations at Apple Inc. are highly innovative thus leading to the production of innovative products which move through the fast product life-cycle associated with the IT industry. The company promotes its products through spectacular promotions and marketing campaigns. The products are of high quality thus they are charged at a premium price.

Financial strength

Apple Company Inc. has the largest market capitalization estimated at $446 billion. Because of its financial strength, the company has 75,800 full time employees globally and it enjoyed an annual revenues of $170 billion in 2013. The company is ranked in the top ten of the Fortune 500 companies. Another ranking by the Inter-brand Best Global Brand have reported that Apple is the most valuable brand in the world with a value of $118.9 billion.

Key partners

                Apple’s key partners include social networking sites developers and programmers such as Facebook and LinkedIn. These companies have been essential in partnering with Apple in marketing its products because the company pre-install these applications in their electronic gadgets such as the iPhones. The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has been a confidential key partner for Apple Company since it shares with it important data on the A7 system on chip technology (SoC).


David, E. H. (2007). Strategic Management: From Theory to Implementation. New York: Routledge.

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