Prevention of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes in home nursing: a qualitative interview study
Qualitative research article
Gershater, M. A., Pilhammar, E., & Roijer, C. A. (2016) Prevention of foot ulcers in patients
with diabetes in home nursing: a qualitative interview study. European Diabetes Nursing, 10,
52-57. doi:
The articles cited above can be accessed via Bb.
These articles have been chosen from different areas to expose you to different research
content that may have reflection on your practice as a member of the healthcare team. In other
words, the article that you choose for your assignment does not have to be specific to the
degree (nursing or midwifery) that you are doing. Therefore, it is required that you read both
articles to determine which one you understand better and critique the following aspects of the
Literature review and/or background to the problem
Research Design
Reliability & Validity/ Trustworthiness
You will need to critique these selected aspects in the context of the entire research report and
will therefore need a thorough understanding of the entire report. You will provide your critique
in short paragraph answer format, ensuring that you provide rationale for your critique,
substantiated with appropriate literature. More detailed instructions for this assessment can be
accessed through Bb.
You will need to use the information and skills that you developed during Modules 7-12 to
assist you to critique the article. In addition, you should review the chapter on ?�Reading and
critiquing research articles’ in your prescribed text and use the marking guide provided so that
you cover all the necessary aspects.
This assignment is required to be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12 and double
spaced. The required word limit for this assessment is 1000 words (±100) with minimum of 4
references. This word count does not include the references and other information related to
This assignment is required to be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12 and double
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