Principles of French Republic after the Revolution

Principles of French Republic after the Revolution 1. A popular form of slang (argot) spoken by youth in France is…
Principles of French Republic after the Revolution

2. Compared to Paris, life in other large French cities is relatively free of pollution and these cities have enough housing and jobs to attract people who want to relocate there.
3. La maternelle or nursery school requires toddlers to be toilet-trained…
Principles of French Republic after the Revolution

4. Most Parisians choose to live in central Paris, where rents are cheaper.
5. The I.U.T. is…
an art school
a post-secondary school
a high school exit exam
a language school
Principles of French Republic after the Revolution

6. Approximately 11 million people live within the beltway of Paris (inside the Périphérique).
7. Paris is the second largest city in Europe after London.
8. The document that laid down the humanitarian principles of the French Republic after the Revolution and which served as a model for other emerging democracies in the 19th century is called _____.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
The Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts
Principles of French Republic after the Revolution

Principles of French Republic after the Revolution
French Republic

9. Besides Paris, the three major urban centers in France are located around Lyon, Marseille, and Lille.
10. In France, un collège is what type of school?
teacher-training institute
graduate school
vocational high school
middle or junior high school
11. What happened in July of 1998 and in July 2006 in French sports that had a profound impact on the nation? Briefly describe this effect.
Principles of French Republic after the Revolution

12. Anti-riot police and prefectoral officers are never stationed in their own department. Give one advantage and one disadvantage to this practice.
13. What kinds of films were the French developing between the two world wars that made them different from American films of that era?

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