Probability Quantitative Variable Data Set

Probability Quantitative Variable Data Set Question 1

Compute the mean and the weighted mean for the following data. Show your work.


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If the professor asked you if you would like the mean grade or the weighted mean grade, which would you choose.

Probability Quantitative Variable Data Set
Probability Quantitative Variable Data Set

Why? What weighted category made the greatest impact?

Question 2

If P(A) = 0.45, P(B) = 0.49, and P(A ? B) = 0.85, then P(B | A) =

Question 3 – You must show the fractions you multiplied to earn credit. You may also include other math if you choose a different method.

Seven vitamin and five sugar tablets identical in appearance are in a box. One tablet is taken at random and given to Person

  1. A tablet is then selected and given to Person B. What is the probability that

Person A was given a vitamin tablet?

Person B was given a sugar tablet given that Person A was given a vitamin tablet? neither was given vitamin tablets?

both were given vitamin tablets?

Person A was given a sugar tablet and Person B was given a vitamin tablet?

Person A was given a vitamin tablet and Person B was given a sugar tablet?

exactly one person was given a vitamin tablet?

Question 4

The following information regarding the ten richest Americans was reported in a recent issue of Forbes.

How does the textbook define “element?” Name the elements in the above data set.

How does the textbook define “variable?” Name the variables in this data set.

How does the textbook define “observation?” Name TWO observations in this data set.

Explain why rank, even though it is a number, is NOT a quantitative variable.

Which variables are quantitative?

Question 5

A sample of the ages of 10 employees of a company is shown below.

20 30 30 30 50

30 30 30 20 40

  1. What is a dot plot?
  2. If this set of data were going to be used to make a dot plot, what variable would be on the x axis? Why? What variable would be on the y axis? Why?
  3. If you were going to make a dot plot, what would the title be? Remember that titles show relationships between both variables.
  4. Using a method of your choosing, construct a dot plot for the above data which includes a proper title and axis label

Develop a scatter diagram and draw a trend line through the points. Remember everything that was said about titles, axes labels etc. in the previous question.

What kind of relationship exists between stock price and time (negative, positive, or no relation)? How do you know?

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