Process and parameter Assignment Help

Process and parameter
Process and parameter

Process and parameter

Make a computer program for calculating the surface area of heat exchanger using the process and parameter

Make a computer program for calculating the surface area of heat exchanger using the process and parameter described in example 2-2.

The question is the following:

A heat exchanger with one shell pass and eight tube passes raises 100,000 lbm/hr(variable 1) of water from 180∞F(variable2) to 300∞ F (variable 3). The tube-side fluid is air (Cp=0.24 Btu/lbm ∞F (Variable 4)), which enters at 650 ∞F (Variable 5) and exits at 350 ∞F (variable 6). If U= 5 Btu/hr-ft^2-∞F (Variable 7), find the surface area required.


[1] Define your problem by making a sketch

[2] Make a flow chart for computing area and show equations for each step

[3] Write program for calculation of surface area. However, make program generic by making each of the question value a variable that you can input.

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