Professional Training Design on Cross Cultural Issues Training Design
Design a detailed training course that addresses a specific population and a problem related to cross-cultural issues.

Your training course can be for
individuals in a corporation, school, government agency, or professional training program. Regardless of who you choose, you must demonstrate cross-cultural concepts.
Professional Training Design on Cross Cultural Issues Project Components
Goals: In this section, list three to six goals for your training program. You might begin by saying, " The purpose of this training program is to. . .
" and then list the goals. Useful terms include introducing, investigate, discover, reveal, teach, facilitate, and lead (one page).
Training question: For this project, you must have a question that you are trying to discover the answer to. You might explore, for example, whether your
trainees can change their attitudes about race relations during an eight-week seminar. In this section, state the question you are trying to answer. Your
question must be detailed and specific.
Target population: To what group are you offering a training program? Why?
Abstracts: Locate four to six abstracts on the Web relating to cross-cultural psychology. Attach the abstracts to your paper and explain how the research
therein forms the foundation for your proposal.
Introduction (the problem): In this section, discuss the problem your training program will help solve. Incorporate quotes from cross-cultural psychologists
from your text as well as online sites. Tell the reader why you think this problem is important and why you are conducting the training (two to four pages).
Literature briefs: In this section, list three to six articles you have read that are relevant to your topic. You might also include book chapters. Write the
full reference of your source. Under each reference, briefly describe the main point of the article, chapter, or book. Each brief should be two to four
sentences. If you quote the author, don’t forget to include the page number of the quote. Don’t use the same quotes you used in your introduction. Your
references should be written in APA style. Examine annotated bibliographies to get ideas for this section (one to two pages).
Course sessions: In this section, detail the sessions of your program. You should have six to ten sessions. Each session should have a topic and an exercise
to help participants learn the topic.
Results: In this section, state the results you hope to see. Explain why you expect these results. Include theories from cross-cultural psychology that point
to these hoped-for results. Discuss the influence of your own experiences on your course design and hoped-for results.
References: In this section, list the references you quoted in your paper. Add a bibliography of books, articles, and Web sites that you recommend we read on your topic.
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