Professionalism and Integrity at Interacting With Patients The importance of professionalism and integrity when interacting with patients, other healthcare professionals, and others in general

Topic: Using the format below, you must research and write a paper regarding the importance of professionalism and integrity when interacting with patients, other healthcare professionals, and others in general.
ï Research should include academic literature, with full formal documentation of sources.
As many sources as you want, but AT LEAST 7 sources, please.
AMA style for references etc
ï Length ñ Fifteen (15) pages SINGLE SPACED, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1î margins.
The 15 pages single spaced (or 30 pages double spaced) does NOT include the bibliography, title page, etc!
ï Format ñ As for publication, with formal (numbered) citations for all sources used. No abstract necessary.
ï References must include published academic literature, not only websites.
Wikipedia is not an acceptable academic reference. Text taken from other sources must be properly designated with quotes and citation. Context paraphrased from other sources must have sources properly cited.
ï Paper should demonstrate careful research and thoughtful consideration of the topic and lessons learned for the future.
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