Program learning outcomes for the completion of the BSN degree.
Self-Assessment of Program Learning Outcomes
Introduction: This evaluation tool consists of tables that contain the program learning outcomes for the completion of the BSN degree. Under each program outcome, the student learning outcomes (SLO) aligned for this course will be displayed. Students will also see the concepts, topics, or lesson objectives that were used in this course to help meet these expected outcomes. This evaluation tool is designed to make it possible to see a student’s development as they progress through the nursing curriculum. It will help provide standard measures for student, course, and program evaluation.
Instructions:Students complete this form with evidence from their learning of how the intended outcomes have been met. Complete each table with an emphasis on the overall program outcomes in the top blue box in each section.
Students complete the Student Reflection Box.
Program Completion: In the final semester of the program, students will compile the reflections from each individual course into one document. Instructions and submission information will be provided in NURS 4092 for the culminating document. Please retain copies of each reflection for this purpose.
Chart Key, for example/ directions:
Program Outcome for BSN Program
SLO- Student Learning Outcome for NURS xxxx that is intended to help you meet the program outcome above.
Topic(s), concepts, or lesson objectives within the course that fell under the identified SLO as a guide. You are not limited to these criteria. Please feel free to expand on your knowledge in your comments.
Student Reflections: Provide your thoughts here. This can be done in a narrative format or in bulleted sentences. Either way there should be enough detail in this section to clearly show how you are progressing toward meeting the overall program outcome in question.
Self-Assessment: Program Outcome, Course Outcomes, Course concepts
Program Outcome:Contribute leadership to promote quality care and patient safety.
SLO-Identify safety processes for patients with acute health problems across healthcare settings.
Describing the potential complications of patient therapies and strategies to prevent these complicationsExplaining the procedure for safely administering blood products
Describing the special precautions required to administer parenteral nutrition safelyDiscussing the management of seizuresCompletion of weekly Advantage modules
Student Reflections:
Program Outcome:Integrate evolving knowledge into clinical nursing practice.
SLO-Apply evidence-based practice to plan, implement, and evaluate patient-centered nursing management of patients with acute health problems.
Completing comprehensive case studies and plans of care for acute health problemsCompleting weekly Advantage modules
Formulation of nursing interventions and desired patient outcomes related to acute health problemsCompleting COVID-19 critical thinking exercise.
Student Reflections:
Program Outcome:Demonstrate skill in utilizing healthcare technology and information systems.
SLO- Discuss the use of technology in monitoring and delivering care to patients with acute health problems across health care settings.
Explaining nursing considerations for diagnostic studies, patient monitoring, and medication administration
Completion of online learning modulesExamining pain management strategies, including PCA
Student Reflections:
Program Outcome:Collaborates with inter-professional teams to improve healthcare outcomes.
SLO-Define nursing roles within inter-professional health care teams involved in the care of patients with acute health problems.
Completion of weekly case studies
Discussing interprofessional management of acute medical-surgical problems
Student Reflections:
Program Outcome: Provide health protection and promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention to individuals, families, and populations.
SLO-Determine appropriate evidence-based patient education strategies for health promotion and illness prevention in adult patient populations.
Incorporating both individualized, evidence-based interventions into a plan of care
Developing patient education strategies to promote self-care and improved patient outcomesDiscussion age-appropriate teaching strategies
Student Reflections:
Program Outcome: Demonstrate behaviors that reflect altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice.
SLO-Exhibits accountability for personal and professional growth and adheres to professional standards expected of a student nurse.
Completion of case studies that pose nursing ethical dilemmas
Completion of weekly group case studies to encourage professionalism, cooperation, and conflict resolution.
Student Reflections:
Program Outcome:Adapt nursing care to meet the needs of patients across the lifespan and healthcare continuum, respecting variations in populations, environments, and access to care.
SLO-Recognize cultural, socioeconomic, and demographic factors contributing to acute illness in adult populations.
Incorporating age, cultural, and socioeconomic factors in case studies and care planning for adults with acute illness
Identifying care considerations for the older adult population
Student Reflections:
Final Thoughts (Optional):
Student Reflections: Recommendations for further development/improvement of course(s) to better meet the course and/or program outcomes.
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