Your company ‘Popup’ is a private sector company currently operating across the Southeast area of England. Popup is contracted by local councils as a project to take their dis-used land or building spaces and create a venue for local independent businesses and the community
The aim is to create a space that supports local communities with jobs, innovation, and training. The local communities get a well-designed space containing independent cosmopolitan food & drink sellers and unique retailers. The local independent businesses rent a ‘unit’ from the local council and get a network of like-minded businesses and potential customers. There is also free temporary space available for charities to book and for community workshops such as children’s art and crafts to book. In addition, there is rented space available for businesses wishing to run short events (1-5 days).
This idea has been successfully adopted in other areas of the UK and Popup are keen to capitalise on local government post Covid funding to encourage the growth of local independent businesses. There is also growing demand for different entertainment ideas for young adults, families as well as for use for corporate events. For an example of something similar – see You should also carry out further research into similar projects.
The project sponsor is the Development Manager of Hatfield Council who wants to develop a dis-used warehouse on the outskirts of Hatfield town centre and wants Popup to design and get the building ready. The project will be known as ‘Pop Hatfield’
The dis-used building in Hatfield is a doubled storeyed premise with a floor space of 80 metres by 80 metres on each floor in which to develop this venue. The premises were a former warehouse and are structurally sound and have no fixtures or fittings remaining (i.e. internal walls, shelves, cupboards). The floor and walls are bare. There is a stable usable staircase between the two floors though there is no lift or other access to the top floor currently. There is water, electricity and gas supply connected to the building.
Hatfield Council have appointed Popup and therefore planning permission has already been granted. However, other licences need to be researched and acquired (e.g., food, alcohol, music, trading)
The project will require the project team to both design and fit out the venue ready for local businesses to move into. Local business will then need to fit out their individual units and this is NOT in scope for Pop Hatfield’s project team. The ground floor business units are shipping containers (use 6m length ones) and the first-floor units need to be a similar size but need to be flat pack assembly of some description to get them up to the first floor. In addition, the project includes setting up an area for corporate events and an area for charity/community use. These areas need to be contained for privacy and noise. Finally, there needs to be toilet facilities and seating areas to accommodate people when eating, drinking & relaxing. Please note that you must include provision to meet Accessibility legislation.
The project team will also need to secure suitable contractors and suppliers for this work. Please note that Pop Hatfield have the funds for this project from Hatfield Council and therefore are not looking for any loans or investors. There will be a £2000/month leasehold fee for the property for the first year. External contractor day rate is £250 per contractor and the day rate for the internal project team is £100 per team member. The project will run between 1st Feb 2023 and 31st May 2023 and therefore must be completed by 1st June 2023. This project period should also include time for checks and project sign off. Project exclusions are as follows: marketing and sign up of local business, individual unit refits
all the contain the core elements of a Project Initiation Document (PID) will need to include all of the activities required to successfully complete this project.
Project Requirements
You and your team, as employees of ‘Popup’ should develop a Project Initiation Document (PID) for this ‘Pop Hatfield’ project.
The areas to be covered are
• Defining the requirements of the venue in terms of number of units for the building including all requirements such as the area for corporate events and area for charity/ community use.
• Building and designing a plan for the building based on the details above, obtaining quotations from suppliers, development of rooms (this will include structural work as well as decorative work though NOT fitting out as specified above), monitoring the development programme, purchasing and installing the major items specified above, supervising the development, acceptance and ensuring the venue is ready for handover to an operations team who will liaise with local businesses and charities/ local community for further fitting details.
• You will also need to design this venue and ensure you include all of the aspects defined above such as the toilet facilities, seating areas and so on.
• Extensive testing of the venue will be needed before it is handed over to the operations team.
• You do not need to worry about marketing, sign up of local businesses or staffing it when it is opened. This is the remit of the operations team and excluded from your project
The scope of your project includes planning, sourcing and completing a plan for the work above and you are not responsible for any marketing activities or operational issues related to this venue. Your focus is just the project and to convert the space into a fully operational Popup venue.
The Project Initiation Document (PID) is to have the following contents:
Team Work
• Introduction
• Project Objectives
• Constraints of the project
• Assumptions made
• Layout plan (a sketch of the 2 floors)
• Brief description of venue to explain plans drawn
• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
• Scope (Summary of the main headings of the WBS)
• Precedence table (with resource column)
• Network diagram including PERT and a Gantt chart where possible for higher marks here
• Roles and responsibilities
• RACI matrix
• Budget for project
The project will run between 1st Feb 2023 and 31st May 2023 and therefore must be completed by 1st June 2023.
The project team will also need to secure suitable contractors and suppliers for this work. Please note that Pop Hatfield have the funds for this project from Hatfield Council and therefore are not looking for any loans or investors. There will be a £2000/month leasehold fee for the property for the first year. External contractor day rate is £250 per contractor and the day rate for the internal project team is £100 per team member.
Your team should keep a record of team meetings in terms of when the meeting was, who attended and what was agreed and this should be submitted in the Appendix. This will help the lecturers if there are issues in the team. No other work is required in an appendix. Please have all elements specified above in the main body of the report. A template for the assignment has been provided.
A suggested template for this assignment has been provided in the assignment 2 support Unit on Canvas.
How the marks will be awarded (30% of module mark)
Mark scheme Weighting
Introduction to the project and what is contained in the report 4
Project Objectives – ensure these are SMART
These are specific to the project, such as how much it will cost, how long it will take, what will be delivered etc
Should contain a short justification stating the importance of project objectives using ACADEMIC SOURCES 4
Items that restrict the way the project can be done, such as working week days only, preservation of trees
Should contain a short justification stating the importance of identifying constraints using ACADEMIC SOURCES 4
Items that might prevent you carrying out the project that you assume will be ok, such as, planning permission granted, access to the site, working hours etc
Should contain a short justification stating the importance of assumptions using ACADEMIC SOURCES 4
Plan of the building and themes
Sketch/ drawing of the building (both floors) which includes all requirements for the venue. A short description of the design choices made (please do not spend too much time on this – this is required to contextualise the rest of your work and has a small proportion of the marks) 8
Work Breakdown Structure
This should be numbered, hierarchically with the lower components clear subsets of the higher item. Most of the items should be shown as work to be done (activity based). All main requirements for designing and refurbishing the building to create this venue should be included
Should contain a short justification stating the importance of WBS using ACADEMIC SOURCES 15
Scope statement
A summary of what the project will achieve. A summary of the activity within each of the top level activities in the WBS. Should also say what it will not cover, such as day to day operation.
Should contain a short justification stating the importance of defining the scope using ACADEMIC SOURCES 6
Precedence table and Network diagram
Schedule of activities – all activities and predecessors identified. Durations identified, inclusion of PERT will add detail to estimation and therefore marks. (8 marks)
Network diagram – Key to denote what numbers and nodes mean, consistent with precedence table, overall duration and critical path identified. Within the timeframe allowed. Working days have been considered.(10 marks)
Inclusion of a Gantt chart to show the network diagram on a timeline will also attract more marks. (4 marks)